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  • I recently bought the Cat Quest trilogy. I played the first two on my switch but the third one just came out and Steam did the whole bundle at a discount so I snagged it. Been enjoying replaying the first two before I start on the new one.

  • I heard all the controversy about Dustborn and picked up the free demo, it's a decent little Telltale style game.

  • Witcher 3 and No Man's Sky, with guest appearences of CIV 6

  • I have been playing a lot of games recently, but I think the one I want to highlight most is a game I have recommended in the past here.

    Beyond All Reason is a free and open source RTS game inspired by Total Annihilation. It is based on the Spring RTS Engine and collectively BAR represents probably almost two decades of community development over the years and the game is at a really polished fun state at this point with a diverse variety of units and strategies.

    The AI is good, it constantly probes your defenses, multiplayer is a blast with active lobbies, you can play PvP or PvE and there are a massive amount of maps. I know I am a weirdo but with gyro on I don't find playing Beyond All Reason difficult at all. Am I going to out APM a mouse and keyboard player? Nope, but that isn't really why I play RTS games anyways, and I can hold my own fine especially with the awesome action que system that BAR expanded on from Total Annihilation.

    Honestly, I don't think you are going to find a 3D RTS game with better performance on the Deck for the insane amount of units that get thrown around in a typical BAR match than the Spring RTS Engine/BAR, it is a fairly old 3d RTS engine that by today's standards has extremely low system requirements but at the same time, everything is simulated. When a tank shoots at another tank in the Spring Engine, the tank aims and then launches a projectile... that projectile is modeled as a physical object and it may or may not hit its target. It is VERY impressive that there can be hundreds of units blasting it out on the battlefield in BAR, and the game just keeps chugging along somehow without melting my steam deck.

    p.s. check out the new BAR trailer, can you believe this game is a free and open source game??!?

  • Mostly only 2 games.

    Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers

    And the recently released 4th beta for the pokemon fan game Unbreakable Ties (the English release because I'm dumb and don't know Spanish)

  • Fallout 4. Recently finished trover saves the universe and super Mario wonder.

  • @Fubarberry I've started playing Cities:Skylines (the original one) again, and downloaded multiple mods from the Steam Workshop. It froze one day and I couldn't fix it in any way than to shut down my Deck. Every upgrades I did to that city were just gone.

    Thankfully I managed to improve my public transit by adding more lines, more buses and changing some routes, as well as adding a few more metro stations as infill (sadly I have to redo all the metro lines all the time when I do this).

    I play vanilla for now, as I want to make the most out of it without DLCs first. Then I think I will get the snowfall DLC in order to get trams going (as a European I don't understand why are trams, and partly even trolleybuses, hidden under DLCs but metros aren't, as in my country almost all larger cities have trams, yet only the biggest has a metro. But I digress).

    • That's unfortunate, full system freezes like that are sometimes because you ran out of ram/VRAM. If that was what happened, the SteamOS Beta uses zram which should prevent this once the change makes it to stable. In the meantime you could use something like Cryoutilites to increase your swap file size, which should also prevent crashes like that.