Bravo, Ridley
Bravo, Ridley
Bravo, Ridley
Farming? Really? A xenomorph of your talents?
They say he’s out standing in his field.
It's a peaceful life.
It aint much, but its honest work.
Aw shucks, mister... goes the xenomorph, gently biting a sprig of straw with his inner jaw.
Wasn't that the on the planet where the engineer people lived?
So it came from them?
That implies the Engineers gave humanity modern wheat despite all evidence to the contrary. Or took our modern wheat back to their abandoned and dead planet despite all movie evidence to the contrary.
It's just a stupid plot point in a movie full of them, but it did have xenomorphs murdering the dumbest scientists in existence so it's not all bad.
...or Elizabeth Shaw lived there for some time before her demise and dissection was posthumous.
Remember kids. Wearing HazMat suits on alien planet is for loosers.
For loosey goosey oozers.
Well, they would need to feed some kind of cattle...