Having a seizure? Let me taze you
Having a seizure? Let me taze you
Having a seizure? Let me taze you
California Cops Tased a Man Having a Seizure, Then Booked Him on Bogus Charges To Cover Their Mistake
Booked Him on Bogus Charges To Cover Their Mistake
To Cover Their Mistake
Never has a word done so much heavy lifting.
Ok let's also assume he was intoxicated. Even then why the fuck would you tase him? Should've waited for the medical personnel. Then man was in his own goddamned house. WTF!
Even then why the fuck would you tase him?
IIRC the thought the seizure induced thrashing was him resisting arrest. Of course that begs the question, why were they trying to arrest someone having a seizure (that they'd been sent to help BTW) in the first place?
He was seizing right at them and they were afraid for their lives, they really had no other choice! Also, he didn't stop when they told him to, which is an egregious crime in the US it seems - when a cop tells you to do something you do it, or risk getting tazed and/or shot, even if the order is to turn green, fly, crawl with your arms in the air or stop having a grand mal seizure...
Cops in a town arrested a woman for drinking at home because she was rude to them when they asked her about a unrelated hit and run that happened in front of her home.
She was watching a baseball game minding her own business and they left, then came back and arrested her.
Oh! I actually know the answer to this one!
Cuz the perpetrator was experiencing excited delirium which, to the untrained eye (and the trained eye and the doctor's eye and any eye that doesn't belong to a police officer), can LOOK like a seizure. According to numerous completely un-ridiculous lawsuits, the lawyers and doctors paid off by Axon have determined that repeatedly applying the electric shocks of a taser actually CURE excited delirium!
So, the fact that this man survived PROVES that the assaulting responding officer actually saved his life from an episode of excited delirium! Had the man died, it would have meant that the officer did everything within his incompetence power to rescue the man, but he simply succumbed to the grip of excited delirium. Also, had the man weighed the same as a duck, they would have had to burn him.
In case I was too subtle:
maybe when they heard that he was going through a seizure, they assumed he was orchestrating a drugs bust.
County Jail on charges of resisting arrest and battery. Afterward, he was released "still wearing nothing but his underwear and a disposable hospital outfit; he had no wallet, phone or money," the complaint states. "He did not remember Alice's phone number in the jail and they would not help him contact her, so he walked in his hospital slippers about a half mile to a gas station," where workers helped him call a taxi.
I’m familiar with the case but not this detail. Seriously, fuck these thugs.
Maybe we should defund the police.
Let's hope they tase some more rich white guys so we can get them on board finally.
They literally won't go in to those neighborhoods.
I used to think I was going to be a cop, I joined the explorers and hung out with cops, I went on rice alongs. I spent entire shifts following cops around watching them do cop shit my senior year of high school.
They would spend most of their time doing traffic patrols. The "good" cops hung out in more middle class neighborhoods, the shitheads specifically targeted poorer neighborhoods. No one patrols the affluent areas. When a call comes in they argue about who has to go. A domestic disturbance in the trailer park would get every officer not currently arresting someone out to see what's going on, because they're bored.
They know not to pull certain cars over, to look the other way when certain people are caught drunk or high in public. That's just the extent of the stuff I personally saw.
Rich people have private security and doctors. If a rich kid is having a seizure an ambulance will show up not the police and if they did private security would escort the police if they have emt experience
Why are you conflating the class war with racism? There is only the class war.
Or replace them entirely.
I mean, they did go after a finance guy. that is what I'd like violent thugs to be doing, if we gotta have em in society. I feel like this one is more funny than bad.
yes I would be shouting bloody murder if they did this to, like, a random unhoused person, but this time was fine, too bad they let him live.
This finance guy? Who was having a seizure? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Stop that, please.
That entire "defund the police" is the dumbest idea out there. You NEED police, any society needs police. Either that, or next time your being assaulted or robbed, well, sucks to be you.
What the US needs is a completely restructured police system, from the ground up. It needs officers that received training, not the 3-6 months dicking around with idiots that teach them "anyways, then I started blasting". It needs restructuring of yhe laws so that they can be held accountable when they abusre their powers. They need to learn how to de-escalate situations instead of throwing oil on fires. Racism needs to be squeezed out.
This is how police works in other countries, this is why in other countries we actually like and respect police .
This also requires other changes in the US. This justice system based on revenge has to go. Focus on rehabilitation instead. You gotta limit your guns. I know that people start screeching at the idea, bit if by now it's still not clear that US citizens are NOT able to responsibly use their guns, then you have issues. You yourself might be super responsible but the next ten people are not. Take the guns away. Best would be all of it.
Those are things that will make your country nicer, and your police actually respectable.
While I agree that the system needs to be restructured, and rehabilitation and limiting of guns would be very very good policy. The idea of defunding the police exists for a reason.
US courts have ruled that police are not obligated to put themselves in danger for you. So if you are being attacked, and the police believe the attacker could pose a threat to them, they don't have to do anything to help you or stop the attacker. So next time you're being assaulted or robbed, it may still very well suck to be you even with the police in line of sight.
Furthermore, the police spend the budget that they do get on military equipment rather than training their officers in de-escalation.
So at what point do we stop funneling so much money into the police for them to waste it on things that make situations worse. We either have to defund the police and put the money towards other services such as social workers who can de-escalate through non violent means, or start putting restrictions on how the police are able to spend the money, and having stronger guidelines/requirements for the training they go through.
police are essentially unneeded in a society that treats its members with compassion. That role is better handled by social workers. Defunding the police seems like a dumb idea to people principally unconcerned with compassion, but extremely concerned with a governmental occupationary force who, in a fit of paranoia, cant imagine that maybe humans arent rabidly violent without a looming threat of violence. One might in fact imagine that police themselves are responsible in part and often in whole for the many systemic failures that appear to justify them at their incredible unrivaled level of funding to you.
Also, you described reforms that would necessarily involve defunding the police. You agree with the position but think you dont because of the soundbite.
Defund the police doesn't mean no police! It means not giving them so much money when that money is better spent on things that actually reduce crime. 99% of all blue collar crime is due to poverty. Why only treat the symptoms when you can get to the root of the problem. If cops really want to stop crime they would be more interested in white collar crime as that has far more impact down the road than any other crime.
I'm so in love with the idea of a world with no police. A place where murder is acceptable and any crime you want to commit is never investigated.
You think the police is the line that makes crime not acceptable? Holy shit hahaha. Police officers investigating crime, like on TV? Haha
Murder is already acceptable if you're a cop.
I went to the cops with video proof that my neighbor was stealing stuff from my garden.
Nothing happened.
So I pretended to be away for the day and caught him in the act and fucking punched him repeatedly in the face.
I just found him bleeding on the floor. Must have tripped and fell. Idk why my cameras weren't working.
While the Marin County District Attorney's office eventually refused to formally file charges against Frankel, he has still suffered lasting harm from his treatment by police. In addition to the physical injuries he sustained from Sinnott's use of force, Frankel spent over $10,000 fighting the police's attempts to have him prosecuted.
"Man who was not formally charged with a crime forced to spend $10 000 defending himself"
Officers "submitted the false reports or caused them to be submitted in an effort to smear [Frankel's] reputation, preoccupy him with a criminal case, intimidate him, and prevent him from pursuing claims against them for improper and excessive use of force," the complaint states, adding that police "acted willfully with the wrongful intention of injuring [Frankel] and for an improper and evil motive amounting to malice."
So they collasally fucked up, then fucked up more trying to cover up the initial fuck up. Don't suppose there were any actual consequences for the police officers blatantly lying to incriminate an innocent man?
All police officers involved in this, and thwir direct superiors should all be fired, be put on a national "no hire" list, and face prison time for their crimes
Edit: fixed typos
and face prison time for their crimes
Police falsifying reports should be a criminal offense. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this.
The whole system is fucked up
Its like they arrive at the scene without any information at all.
They arrived their first, medical assistance still on the way. They should be to busy coordinating to make sure those can do their job efficiently when they arrive. Maybe performing first aid. They shouldn’t be looking for crimes even if they are present.
Theres just no reason for a cop to show up when 911 is called for a medical emergency.
Is there a way to call for an ambulance without 911? Like to ensure one ONLY gets EMS. I know you can call the local police station without 911, you should be able to get medical help without meeting armed sociopaths.
Even without information, if your first reaction to the unknown is overwhelming violence, you belong in a mental institution
As a parent of a teenager who has tonic-clonic seizures (aka grand mal), this story made me nauseous. A patient recovering from a seizure has absolutely no ability to respond or understand what's going on. Police should be helping and making sure he's on his side, not tasing him. Whoever these cops are should be fired immediately. I hope Mr Frankel bankrupts the department.
My father has grand Mal seizures, these cops did not think that man was intoxicated. Anyone who's seen someone have a grand Mal would immediately know something was up with their brain
The first time my dad ever had one I was awoken at 1am to my mom screeching and my dad spasming on his bed spewing blood from his mouth (bit his tongue) and even I knew immediately it was a fucking seizure (I was 15 at the time and entirely untrained), these cops wanted to hurt someone
A psychosis on heavy drugs can look like you're being possessed by a demon. I'm not saying their actions are in any way justified, but there is some room for them to simply be ignorant towards the common people because of their prejudice. (Which in my opinion should be punished equally as hard.)
Why the fuck were the cops even dispatched? Any dispatcher should know that cops are fucking morons. And should not be send to a medical emergency. If an ambulance is not available you send firefighters. This is almost criminal negligence on the dispatcher’s part.
In a lot of places the police show up to any EMT/Fire response they can, as a safety thing. So it is likely the police got there before the EMTs could. So, that sucks.
poor country they live in. seems that country needs external help to develop a minimum bit of civilisation. 🤷♀️
I've had a seizure in public before, fortunately around my friends. No cops, just a couple of EMT's. I guess Portland has its priorities a little more in order? They are short staffed.
Even in a perfect world, where cops actually protect and serve the people, if you're going to send cops to a medical emergency they should only be there as a helping hand to paramedics. If the paramedic tells the cops to fuck off, they should comply. Cops aren't medics, they're not trained to properly handle really any medical emergency any more than the average person who's watched greys anatomy. They have no business being there and if they are they should be the bitch boy to the actual trained professional.
I have a patient who had a seizure and 911 was called. He tends to get agitated, so his wife warned the cops that came to leave him alone to come out of it as sometimes he starts flailing his arms. Well he flailed his arms and the cops decided to handle that by punching him in the head a few times. Cops need seizure training very very badly.
Cops need de escalation training badly. They treat every call as a crime.
US Police officers need training very badly, period.
Also, don't call them cops anymore. They don't need a "cool" designation, they're people with a job, ans that job is to protect and serve us, not being some cool dude that we need to fear
US Police officers need training very badly, period.
God, isn't that the truth. Standardized training, and training that doesn't invite quacks to give lectures on how you need a WARRIOR MENTALITY and killing people will give you the best sex of your life.
Can do.
Even if they didn't knew what to expect, a patient having a grand mal is lying on the floor unable to control his movements or communications.
How can that person possibly be percieved as a threat that has to be teasered?!?
Cops "For starters when we showed up with our guns waiting to start blasting, maybe the accused should have listened to us. You all should be thankfully, that we took a minute to decide to taser and beat someone would be far more beneficial for us."
Oh, good. Another police fuckup that the taxpayers are going to be on the hook for.
(I'm assuming US) freedom isn't free! /s
So this article mentions absolutely nothing about this man being a "financier", but it does mention that the woman is his FIANCÉ. Did this tweet seriously mix those two words up? And then OP read the story, read this tweet, and still went ahead and screenshotted it?
I am reading, rolled my eyes in pure disbelief and sighed out a heavy air. This kind of thing is something that third world cops would not even do. Plenty of comparison to be made with American cops and cops from poorer countries: corrupt, power-tripping, abusive, and have little to no standards of training. But this level of bullshit is something American cops would only do.
Although on the one hand, had the man been a black person, he probably would have already been shot straight away instead of being tased. American cops are just pure comical clowns and it is tragic.
I read an article like this years ago, I'd fine the link if search didn't suck everywhere.
A guy had a heart attack and his wife called emergency services. Police were the first to arrive and did what police do.
This guy was in his underwear leaning against the wall and because he didn't respond immediately to the police shouting at him they threw him to the ground and broke his back.
Why were the police even there? Is it common in the US for them to also come to medical emergencies?
I think they came because the wife sounded really upset on the phone. Police do just like to turn up to things though.
Here in Australia I called emergency services one time because a woman locked her kid and her keys in her car and the police were the first to turn up. They couldn't do anything so they just stood around until the fire brigade arrived who were the ones that could actually pick the lock to the car. It just makes you wonder why the police bothered at all.
Make sure to beg dispatchers not to send the cops apparently.
"Mal" is Latin for "bad" sounds like the cops are educated about who the bad guys are.
I once saw two cops have a shootout with a mall because they stopped reading after the first L and I THANKED them for their SERVICE.
Wild guess: the 911 operator hears the wife, assumes her race from her speech, and transmits the assumption of her race to the cops, who choose violence as if they ever choose anything else
Tell me race was a factor without telling me race was a factor.
Fuck cops
Just A Fucking CAB.