Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump
Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump

A “modern and unapologetic approach.”

Google’s head of Pixel 9 design won’t apologize for its big, beautiful camera bump
A “modern and unapologetic approach.”
Who are the people that care about these things? Everyone's going to put a case on it anyway.
If I were in charge of product design we'd have two phones:
Sure that sounds nice, but where are you going to find a car small enough to fit in a man's pocket?
!, unite!
Cases do not hide or offset camera bumps.
I beg to differ. Wood phone cases hide the bump by increasing the total thickness of the phone and making the back nice and flat.
On one hand, when you put a case on the phone, it's not as bad.
On the other hand, that's a lot of real estate for a bigger battery that's completely wasted.
I wonder how much such a thing would weigh. I don't need/want a week's worth of battery.
Still no room for headphone jack
I'd take two days of battery over a hideous camera bump any day.
Well, i hate it. Every single phone I've had sucked compared to the one before it, ignoring the capabilities of the soc. I miss my pixel4a compared to my current pixel6a. When I had a galaxy7, I hated it compared to my galaxy2. Nothing compares to the original droid, that was the best phone I ever had.
Now there's a new phone? I bet i'll hate it.
Was the droid that one that goes "DROID!" in a robotic voice when you turn it on?
Motorola Droid (the entire lineup) yeah. They kickstarted androids popularity. My father had one, by my suggestion. A friend had one in my hs days.
The HTC Dream/T-Mo G1 (another friend had one of those as well) started it all, but the advertising that moto had was the real push.
I miss my Nexus One.
I still have mine. Sucks they killed all the bands for it.
Galaxy S3 was peak design imo.
I am still using a pixel 3xl and probably will until the battery dies.
So this is the idiot we have to blame for the ugly and annoying camera bump. Sad that it seems like there is no going back to a phone with a good design. Camera bumps are awful and not worth the tradeoffs.
I am waiting for the egg shaped phone that somehow has sharp edges and remains slippery when dry.
That ship sailed once the headphone jack was removed.
Yeah, I have the Pixel 8 and the camera bump is annoying. I wish they'd make a slim version with a crappier camera, because I honestly don't use it much and would prefer a sleeker phone. My old Moto G Power was fantastic for this, but unfortunately it's out of SW support, and I would really rather not switch my phone again just because SW support ended.
I really want a PinePhone, but the SW support for features I need leaves a lot to be desired.
At least it's symmetrical so it won't rock, unlike every other phone out there now, including the one I'm typing on.
The little bump on my iPad mini drives me fucking mad. I want to be able to put in on a desk and write on it, but no, fuck me. The case I have bulges slightly in the middle, meaning it still doesn’t sit flat.
I don’t even use the camera on the iPad, because I’m not a lunatic.
Nobody at Google ever admits anything they do is wrong or evil. What's new?
"Don't be evil", they say.
World's first amogus phone
Imagine.... a 3+ day battery if the battery thickness would increase to make the back flat.
Thin phones are NOT the future, long battery life is.