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End of an era: Nova Launcher's parent company lays off practically everyone

Branch Metrics sucks. They fired almost of all people working for Nova.

  • we were all scared that they would do data mining or introduce ads on the launcher. They promised that they wouldn't. Surprisingly, they kept the promise.

    I'm surprised that could feed a team of 12 devs with a free app with small one time payment to unlock power features.

    Isn't the app mature enough to have a just full time dev behind to keep it updated with api changes?

    • Branch is apparently a $4B Silicon Valley startup, that raised $300M just two years ago. They can afford Nova's team of twelve, or at least more than one fucking dev. They even fired Cliff, the one guy doing support (social, Discord, email, etc).

      That said, I wish they wouldn't have sold out. Nova is one of the few things I want to subscribe to, very well earned. Nobody can reasonably complain about $10-20 per year for "Prime Ultra" or something. I don't even see a donate button in settings.

    • The reason Branch bought Nova is to use it for A/B testing and feedback (via Nova Discord), to test for things they could add in their other products.

      One such feature is the new cards and search features. Nova doesn't spy on you and they didn't add ads, they just rely on the feedback given by the userbase.

      Sadly they bow fired two employees whom, if I recall, handled support and PR. This means that the solo dev will have to do that too, which means slowdowns and less features in the future.

  • I've been using Nova for a very long time. It has saved me all kinds of annoyance as I've switched phone brands and OS versions, since my basic UI has remained consistent.

    Unless it actually takes a dive in quality, I will continue to use it, but this is disappointing news.

  • I switched to KISS launcher after I knew the company had bought the project. Never came back.

  • Crap, I recently migrated to Nova because I was fed up with Action Launcher bugs and lack of development... If I knew I would not have bought a paid license

  • Now that is a name I haven't heard in a long time, last time I tried different launcher was maybe in 2015... I didn't know custom launcher were still popular. I try to use vanilla android