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What are you up to this weekend?

I've been trying to clean for a week, yesterday and today I've spent actually making some headway. My grandma is coming to town so I'm trying to spruce up the place! Not very exciting for the fleeting weekends of the summer, so I thought I'd live vicariously through you all!

P.S. you can't clean without music: Sorry for the YouTube link but I've been unable to use the alternatives recently


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  • Painting some minis mostly (technically just dry brushing today, there's too many for more). They're for some sessions of One Page Rules that my buddies and I are getting into.

    And planning tomorrow's DND session though I fully expect it to go like the last 2 sessions; sessions that should have been delayed as one player was in condition to play both times. (Once for getting too drunk the day before and once for having a kidney stone kicking their ass)

    Here's a pic of one of the dudes I finished dry brushing before this current little break.

    The dude

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