Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.
For me it was Cyberpunk 2077.
Yes there were all those bugs at launch but I did not have too many issues. My main complaint was the story and the characters. The protagonist V was without any compassion, just a loud asshole. I couldn't empathize at all. I felt like I wasn't able to make any decisions were I was happy with the outcome. Additionally the gameplay was mediocre at best. A lot of places in the world felt completely rushed and unfinished. Combined with the lies from marketing, I wasn't hooked at all and felt betrayed.
Yes this is true. I wasn't expecting a happy ending either (I never finished it). But there is no rule, that you can't be the nice guy in a cyberpunk world. In the end this still is a game which is supposed to entertain the player. I think both blade runner movies are a good example of a cyberpunk story, where love and compassion is a central point to the story.
The advantage of story telling in games over movies is the decision making. The capability to influence the direction a story is headed. My point is, that I wasn't able to connect with the main character although the game was advertised as an rpg. And I know they acknowledged this flaw as they rebranded the game as action adventure.
Did you play male or female V?
A general consensus I hear is that male V makes a better merc while female V acts more like a real person with some compassion
I played a male V and I looked into the differences now. I might have to give the game a second chance and play a female V.
And I'm not gonna have expectations this time arround. So I might be able to enjoy the positive sides.
The protagonist V was without any compassion, just a loud asshole.
Would this not be mostly up to the player, since you control what V says when you pick dialogue options like any other RPG? If you play him without any compassion, of course he will sound that way.
I see what you mean with the gameplay. Personally I really enjoyed the story and the setting, as well as the level design. But the gameplay wasn't very great.