Let me guess, "Bellows", right? Or maybe "Play With Flowers"? Or, oh, "Yongil Bomb", that one's a classic! Or maybe this article is about "Whistle"? "Excellent Horse-Like Lady"? "Are We Living Like in Those Days"? "Chollima on the Wing"? "The Train of Reunification Runs"? "Night Lights on the Train On Which Travels Kim Jong Il"? "Envy Us"? "Tansume"? "Don't Ask My Name"? "This is an Offensive"? "Don't Advance, Night of Pyongyang"? "Young People of the Farm"? "Young Train Driver"? Ffffucking "Potato Pride" of all things? Maybe "My Country is the Best"?
Come on, throw me a bone here, I could be here all day...
"Friendly Father".
Yeah, of course it's "Friendly Father"... No, no, it is catchy, it's just... Well, I've found DPRK-pop catchy since before it was cool, thankyouverymuch. (hipster smugness)
I'm not sure, but I think it would've been before the pandemic when I was still a
Incidentally, the CSI episode "Say Uncle" (S9E6), originally aired in 2008, uses Pochonbo's "Don't Ask My Name" as music for the Koreatown neighborhood party.