A cool guide to sushi etiquette
A cool guide to sushi etiquette
A cool guide to sushi etiquette
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Thats wild I'll eat it however I like
Of course, the one that you make.
But if you are going to have it from a chef who says so at their restaurant, show some respect to their culture or else spend your money elsewhere.
It's my food. I bought it.
You don't even know what my ethnicity is, don't assume
So spending money gives you the right to disrespect cultures? Interesting
If this disrespects your culture you have a fragile ass stupid culture that should be made fun of.
Or, a culture that values respect over individualism. To each their own, but to me willingly eating food wrong to belittle a culture isn't "fun", it's just stupid and rude.
Bigot has entered chat
They are offering you a service and they follow a certain etiquette to have it, which is part of the service. If you can't follow it, don't be a customer.
If the business is going to belittle me cause I like soy sauce with my sushi or eat it in two bites then rest assured they will not be earning my business regardless.
This stuff gets posted for white people to pretend they are virtuous over. We are laughing at you.
What if I said you would be disrespectful of american culture if you ate a burger or steak wrong? You would probably laugh because that would be insane.
You are assuming my ethnicity wrong, but I'll go with it.
If I go to a restaurant where they specifically say it is disrespectful to eat something in a certain way, I would respect that. Or if I don't agree with it, I won't have food at their restaurant.
But I won't go to the restaurant just to prove their way of eating is wrong. That is where your dumb attitude comes in. You are basically the equivalent of wearing clown clothes to a funeral just because you don't agree with the etiquettes.
Learn to live among people, or live in your hole.
Don't disparage the noble profession of the humble clown. It's a worthy skill and no other artist is diminished in that way. To do so is to disrespect the culture of Greek and Roman from which the clown originated. These people are likely much more highly trained and skilled than you are. Or even I am.
Kind of funny that of course you go off about respect for other cultures when it comes to soy sauce on sushi but then turn around and denigrate an entire theater culture of two ancient peoples.
You're the bigot.
Ok. I see now, you are just talking crap with intentional misinterpretation just for the sake of argument.
I'm glad that you understood my point though, otherwise you won't take this stupid tangent. Try to apply it in life.
This is my last comment on this. Have a nice day.