I have the soapy gene. I don’t hate coriander, like it doesn’t render food inedible, but it’s not pleasant. It tastes vaguely like someone rinsed parsley in soapy water but forgot to properly rinse it off.
It’s like, the food is great and then there’s a soapy note on the end.
Honestly same, but I've grown to like the soapy aftertaste in some foods.
Haha. I love that. That’s really funny, and I can totally see it.
Cilantro isn’t super common in cooking here and I don’t go out of my way to use it so I’ve not developed a liking for it.
I compare it to the bitter notes in okay coffee. I don't crave it on its own but I can respect it, it's part of the whole
like how american chocolate has notes of vomit
i have to imagine that americans who have grown up eating that chocolate have ever so slightly more enjoyable lunch re-plays
I just got used to it. Remember the first time you tried coffee? Yeah you got used to it right? That's Coriander to me. Tastes still soapy but I can't be arsed to tell every Asian takeout not to put it in.
Yeah you got used to it right?
No. Why'd someone to that to themselves?
because stimulant juice good 🤤
yeah i remember the first time i tried coffee, coughing from how bitter and absolutely vile it was.
i'm just glad we barely use cilantro in sweden