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  • Doom. The answer is Doom. Why? Because it sold more copies than Windows.

    That isn't enough? None of these games listed had spawned an entire genre named after them 'Doom-clones' before consolidating into First Person Shooters.

    Most importantly tho, it's a game that still has a heavy following with massive sweeping mods and fan support that are still discussed to this day. To my mind, it is the pinnacle of proof that if people weren't specifically paid to develop video games, they'd still make them anyway. Art is beautiful. Turning demons into a fine, gristly, paste is art.

  • Final Fantasy 7 seems a pretty solid pick. New graphics, lots of things to do in the game, some replay ability. Story about eco-freedom fighters going after a company whose operations will literally destroy the world. Got some circle of life stuff going on in the lore. There's something about aliens (I thought Aeris was supposed to be the last descendant of them) I think that never seemed to go anywhere. Cosmo Canyon. Unreliable narrator in the main character was a pretty interesting twist to teenage me.

    Honorable mentions to:

    Resident Evil 2, to quote myself from decades ago, "Holy crap, I'm playing in a movie."

    Xenogears, had a novel combat system for an RPG and the a chunk of the reveal in the story is how the entire human(?) race on the planet was created by some advanced civilization's planet killer weapon that got loose, crashed on a planet, and was slowly trying to rebuild itself over thousands of years by using the population in subtle ways. Also, the weapon was being worshipped as God, the creator.... Which, to my atheistic self was just cheffs kiss at the time.

    Armored Core, I have no idea what is going on with the story but I could never get into Mechwarrior and this scratched that itch.

    Colony Wars, was an off brand "Star Wars" X-Wing/Tie Fighter type game. Solid space fighter with James Earl Jones as the narrator. And you're tiny fighter got to fly around big capital ships and watch them explode in terrible plygons with limited shading.

  • Seeing a lot of right answers. Some I haven't seen that are certainly in the running: Zelda: A Link to the Past, Half Life, Super Metroid, Metal Gear Solid, Chrono Trigger, NBA Jam.

    It's an interesting decade since it saw the jump from 16 to 64 bit gaming.

  • Not sure if the best, but I haven't seen Grim Fandango mentioned yet, and that should definitely be up there. Excellent writing and voice acting, and basically the pinnacle of 90s point and click adventure games.

  • Final Fantasy 6, Doom, Sonic 2, Thief: The Dark Project, System Shock 2, TIE Fighter, Dungeon Keeper, Suikoden, Legend of Dragoon squeaks in there if we go by JP release date, Breath of Fire 3

    The nineties was great for games

  • Imma go with the likes of:

    Alpha Centauri

    I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

    Grim Fandango

    Beneath a Steel Sky

    Syndicate/Syndicate Wars

    Planescape: Torment



    Dungeon Keeper 2

    Fallout/Fallout 2


    The Longest Journey

    Gabriel Knight


    System Shock 2
