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Remembering when the CIA set up a fake humanitarian vaccine program in Pakistan to steal DNA from people to find bin Laden. They didn't even actually fulfill the vaccine part, either.
It's really hard to exaggerate how heinous the US is. It's why all the fearmongering about China has to be cartoonishly extreme. Anything less than that would be tame in comparison to the stuff Americans provably, currently do.
The fallout created an anti-vaxx movement and damage to real humanitarian programs there.
it's the Index fund of takes. Vulgar anti-americanism makes you right 90% of the time, which far outperforms all the "nuanced" liberal perspectives.
90 is genuinely an undercount imo
Name me a time when the US was intentionally and objectively good and don't include times it was repairing damage it did. I'll wait. Forever.
Hey, they entered WWII after they helped inspire, arm, and otherwise equip the Naz- wait.
Hey, they fought a Civil...War...against themselves...over slavery...
Hey, they...uh...killed a bunch of British soldiers in the 18th century?
I got nothing.
ed: LMAO I didn't even see the lib below me actually post fucking WWII and Ukraine
Slava Ukraini bois I got Stephen Bandera tattooed on my nutsack isn't he so cool
Fuck off
the only thing I can think of is the Barbary Wars
Gonna need to start making one piece emotes about pirates being anarchists and hating the corrupt government. Which is an important distinction compared to most organized crime that normally works with the government
Fighting WWII and currently supplying lots of stuff to Ukraine.
Ah yes how could I forget a war that the US only joined years late and well after millions of people had already died. A war where the US setup their own concentration camps for Japanese Americans. A war where the US used nuclear bombs to obliterate civilians in an unprecedented way. SURELY that war the US was definitely the good guys there.
And then Ukraine, a war where the US is giving unlimited guns to literal Nazis and shoving civilians into an endless and completely unnecessary meat grinder. Yeah definitely the objective good guys in that conflict. Also the US was largely at fault for the conflict in the first place so even if they were objectively the good guys here it would be them cleaning up their mess. They aren't though they're making it worse.
D-Day happened not because of some altruistic desire to liberate France but because the remaining capitalist states saw that Germany was neither salvageable nor willing to work with them, and something need to be done to stop the Soviets from liberating all of continental Europe and building a socialist bloc with abundant year round naval ports in the open Atlantic.
Prior to the war Nazi Germany was chomping at the bit to destroy the Soviet Union, and the Soviets wanted to take a wrecking ball to Germany, both for the sake of destroying the political epicenter of European fascism, and so they could keep pushing the revolution westward and take the entirety of the continent.
The Western alliance with Poland was an attempt at managing this rivalry, so that they could try to force this nearly inevitable conflict to happen on their terms, not Germany nor Russia’s. The West must have seen that if Germany won this fight and had their pick of whatever they wanted in Eastern Europe, France would end up with a monstrous neighbor that occupied the entire rest of the European mainland, and although Communism would have been uprooted from Russia, Germany could easily use its newly acquired land/resources/industrial capacity to double back and take on France. The goal of destroying the Soviets is achieved, but the Fascist bloc becomes the dominant faction of the imperial core and the anglo-Liberal forces are forced to either submit or try to hold out as just the UK and US against the rest of the world.
Now, if Russia were to win this impending Russo-German war, there was no way in hell Stalin slows his roll after beating Germany and stops at the French border— France and possibly Franco’s Spain would be next, and where does this leave the West? Unlike a German victory, the anglo-Liberal faction of the imperial core is all that’s left and they are stuck with the entire European mainland controlled by communists, an outcome they’ll do anything to avoid. With the shipyard of Germany and France and access to the open Atlantic, they can threaten anglo naval superiority and even plan an invasion of the British isles— and unlike Hitler, who represents just another faction of capitalism, Stalin and the communists are far less likely to give the remaining Western countries the option to accept subservience if they lay down their arms.
So the West find themselves in a position where if they do nothing in this coming Russo-German war, they are screwed either way, and although a Nazi victory is preferable, they figure that through geopolitical fuckery they can get involved and alter the tides. If they side with the communists, which god knows the Western governments broadly speaking do not want to do, they can at least manage the fall of Germany, and hopefully negotiate a post-war European order where the Soviets do not have access to the open Atlantic (i.e., ports that aren’t in an inland sea or the hard to navigate Arctic). D-Day was of course an attempt at taking back territory in France but more importantly it was the first step toward securing a foothold in Germany and making sure that there was a mobilised, battle-hardened force waiting to meet the Soviets so that a hard limit could be put on their Western advance. I don’t mean to say that no one wanted France back under a French government, or that there weren’t people in the anglo military commands and governments who were genuinely disgusted by the Nazis and the crimes committed continent-wide during their occupations, but to the cold, realistic, realpolitiking minds of the people at the top like Eisenhower, the primary goal was setting up the board for the next fight— the Anglosphere versus the Soviet Union.
US General George Patton was adamant that if he was allowed to, he could have taken American troops to Prague and secured Czechia for the West in the post-war order well in advance of the Red Army’s arrival. He was promptly informed by Eisenhower that he would doing no such thing. The post-war order had already been negotiated behind the scenes, and through strategically supporting their mortal enemies against a foe that really wasn’t much different than themselves politically or economically, the intact West had made sure that they also held at least part of Central Europe, instead of either Germany or the Soviet Union controlling the entire continent. So D-Day wasn't purely an anti-communist action, but was also crucial to the Western grand strategy of making sure the Soviets didn’t just keep steaming onward, and setting the stage for the Cold War in terms more favorable to the West.
based on comments by
Oh good, we're helping murder more people! YAaaaaaaay
:amerikkka: supplying weapons to :ukkkraine: is actually a pretty big L
Love to supply “lots of stuff” like cluster munitions and depleted uranium to Nazis
That's a bit disingenuine. If your only stance is "USA bad" you would side with the Axis in WWII, the motivation for the USA joining the Allies is irrelevant in that outcome. Sadly you have to actually think about geopolitics sometimes because they're really fucking complicated. You'll find that almost all nations are straight up bad and that the big distinguishing factor about the USA is not how bad it is, but about how much bad it's able to project globally as a hegemon.
It's telling your that your last example of "USA Good" was 80 years ago.
USSR vs Germany was the main show of WW2. US dragged it's fear and only opened a second front when it was apparent that the Soviet Union had won the war.
So maybe USA bad, communism good gets you to 100%?
Pretty sure being against the US would be pro-soviet as the real conflict there was calling dibs on central Europe by the time the US joined the war.
Not really. Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union before Pearl Harbor. The Soviet Union also had skirmishes with Fascist Japan and IJA warcrimes like the Rape of Nanjing already happened. It was pretty obvious which side was good. If anything, it shows the absolute moral bankruptcy of the US that chose to sit on the sidelines while their imperialist rivals killed and bombed each other, hoping to recreate WWI where the US became the first among equals because it was virtually unscathed by WWI. The real anti-US side would be to pick the nonfascist side during the 1930s when the fascists were invading Republican Spain and the Republic of China and not be "isolationist."
I am almost crying the idiocy is literally just from one fucking guy its driving me nuts mods please we are begging you
I don't know anything about anything, but I'm here to tell you how things work!
Seriously, it's almost impressive how they reply ”I don't know anything about that” to everything presented to them.
how the fuck are there 450 comments on this obviously correct meme lol
Death to America
My new thing is just telling people I don't like countries that regularly bomb hospitals. It's 50/50 on people then defending the US even harder.
yeah that's a good rul- wait that's literally all of them with a working military
Yeah, I suppose at this point it's harder to find countries that haven't. Though the US and NATO-aligned nations do have a certain knack when it comes to atrocities.
No, it's really not. Only if you're willfully ignoring what the US does.
I wish everyone a very America Bad
I wish everybody a very liberalism is a cancer.
a very liberalism is a cancer to you as well
The concept of “America” also extends to its loyal lapdog, Canada.
Don't forget
Usually the way NATOists and liberals put it is "'America Bad' is not an ideology / political philosophy", and it's like okay, it's still fucking true though. What am I supposed to do with a true statement if not believe it? And what am I supposed to do with that belief if not let it inform my broader ideology, especially when it relates to the country I live in, which also happens to be the current global hegemon?
Comparing anything to anything else is whataboutism
And watch their eyes glaze over when you start explaining why it's bad from a socialist perspective.
Listen, Jack
America bad is my ideology
they are correct it is a rule of thumb not an ideology. It just happens to be a very accurate rule of thumb
Say what you want about them, send them PPB bht they are a true poster (still not a good poster but hey, it's a start)
358 comments in 6hours wtf happened here?
EDIT: Incredible thread.
just some garden variety reddit-style seething about the rising semi-periphery (BRICS) and how imperial core proletarians should be good social fascists and "critically support" the current NATO imperialist hegemony against the rising semi-periphery because umm history ended in 1991 and then russia restarted it to be mean or something, also ignore ICE camps and the war on terror, china is genociding muslims (source:
)Posting happened here.
As a rule of thumb, if America is doing it, it's bad. If America is decrying someone for doing it, America is doing it with factory-like efficiency.
The only way to stop a bad guy with a state is a good guy with a state
You will be in the moral right 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of time if your position is USA bad for all of geopolotics
Absolutely, how can it possibly matter whether any given communist is specifically an anarchist or ML or whatever when the US is the global hegemon? People who believe in any of these ideologies trying to enact radical change are going to get crushed under the United States' boot all the same.
Taking down the US is a prerequisite for coming anywhere close to communism, it's not possible otherwise. Therefore left unity with the number one goal of weakening the US should be our highest priority. Russia losing the Ukraine proxy war will not make the lives of Russian LGBT people better. Nor will it make it any easier for leftists to take back control of the country. But Russia winning the Ukraine proxy war will certainly hurt the ability of the US and NATO to suppress leftist movements outside the imperial core.
Restaurant? Taco truck.
Five friends pile into a station wagon on their way to LA. An hour into the journey, the person in middle back yells at the driver for being gay, because they heard gays are slow drivers. Right back and passenger seat are very concerned that this might slow down the journey, so they tell the driver to pull over and debate the issue. Six hours later, the group comes to a consensus: gay people probably aren't slow drivers, but the gay person is going to have to swap with left back just to assuage middle back's fears.
Left back (now the driver) is a vegan. Two hours later, middle back says vegans are slow drivers.
Is your username algebraic or pi times something algebraic or?
looks like trigenometry, "co-secant of the golden ratio (aka phi/φ)"
If you don't want to spend a big chunk of time reading all about a country you've barely even thought of (looking at you, Gabon. I'm sorry I know this reflects on me), "America bad" will usually get you to the correct take anyways. The seat of global capital has habits.
It's not right 100% of the time, but it's right better than 95% of the time. It's a heuristic.
"gosh, all these rude liberals keep brigaiding our threads smdh my dick head"
600+ comments
Should've seen my inbox after
I'd hate on any country that was the bloodthirsty, manipulative, living incarnation of capitalist interests at the world level, the US just happens to be that.
Remembering the times the US wasn't the worst:
Even then, we half-assed things. We never outlawed slavery and we supported the Nazis because they were fervently anticommunist. Fuck, we even recruited them directly after the war
IDK about the pirates but it's the US so they probably fought them because they wanted to do the piracy themselves
The U.S. only “fought the Nazis” to prevent communist Europe, so still the bad guys
One time they got a kitten who was stuck in a tree down to safety. Source: CIA world Factbook. Org
The time they were fighting the Barbary coast pirates? Maybe? idk probably not
that was them taking the opportunity to do more expansionism
also its funny how each one of these things were things the USA had to basically be forced into doing
Fighting the Confederates cancels out though, as the they were also the US. So that one doesn't count either.
That and the Union didn't finish those slavers off
Barbary coast pirates? Maybe? idk probably not
pirates are cool!
And they were against the US government which has always objectively been the bad guys
Fighting the British is always kinda justifiable to be fair.
They did do it mostly so they could treat the people of the Americas worse. So any virtue there was accidntal.
Confederates were American, in fact they were extra American. The most American of the Americans. The most pure distillation of the Classical Liberal Slavery ideology that America represents.
They only fought Nazis because Nazis declared war on them first and America happened to have the farthest left leaning president in its history at the time to push the nation the right way. There were significant political movements to ally with Nazis and adopt fascism ourselves, including business plot coups and major industrialist funding. Immediately after the war we absorbed Nazi command structures and reimplemented them, reinstalling fascists back into power
Its posts like this that make me wish we had a 'sort comments by controversial' tab
these days I just autoscroll and look for the rainbow
America bad.
A Marxist understanding of capitalism leads to anti-imperialism. Anti-imperialism is understood by detractors as a simple rhetorical dressing over simplistic heuristics like “reflexive anti-americanism,” “history repeats itself,” and “the military-industrial complex needs contracts,” but all of these are reductive. Marxists understand that human political leadership in the imperial periphery, whether enlightened or tyrannical, will only be antagonized by empire for one single possible reason: it is getting in the way of market penetration. This is phrased succinctly by Kevin Dooley when criticizing Noam Chomsky’s support for a military alliance between the Kurds and the USA in Syria: “The difference between [Chomsky’s] position and a hard-line anti-imperialist position isn’t tactical. What he’s arguing is simply a violation of anti-imperialist principles based on a fundamentally different understanding of what can drive the empire to act in the world.” [16]
The accusation that anti-imperialists are unconcerned with human rights deserves a sharp rebuke. The USA was born of slavery and genocide, dropped atomic bombs as a matter of political brinkmanship, imported Nazi scientists and installed war criminals like Klaus Barbie and Nobusuke Kishi around the world to defend and advance anti-communist positions [17], and enthusiastically supports gruesome butcherers today. Simply put, Capital has destroyed innumerable countries and murdered hundreds of millions directly and indirectly. It is precisely a concern for the rights of humans that should make one immediately skeptical of any humanitarian posturing by Capital. Anti-imperialism not only means support for the important pro-social projects of states like Cuba, Vietnam, and China; it also means critical support for non-socialist states such as Iran and Russia. Critical support acknowledges that, though instituting various indefensible policies, enemies of empire are not being antagonized because of said policies. The only thing that can drive empire to act in the world is capital accumulation.
no more half measures walter
If you give me one person who calls themselves a socialist but believes the US state department' line on all America's rivals, and a second person who has mever even heard the word "socialism" but simply ontologicaɔly hates and opposes America through some arcane grudge, the second person will always be a better socialist, even accidentally.
I was the second person
hi, i am the editor of the grayzone, allow me to introduce myself
I used to be the second person. I despised America's dominance of English language culture.
make america bad great again
Am I the only one that hates people saying that something isn't good, it's great? It does not make any sense, and it's not even funny. It's like the "was I a good boy" meme:
Maybe I'm just too serious.
death to america, the US deserved 9/11
America bad has a higher W rate than any leftoid ideological frankenstein
Just because America does bad things/is bad doesn't give other nations a pass to do bad things/be bad. Often people use whataboutism to justify or excuse Russia's aggression or China's genocide. All of these things can be bad and worthy of reproach.
Russia's aggression
History started in 2022, Ukraine wasn't shelling Donbass or threatening genocide of Russian speakers or overthrowing their elected president with a CIA plant no sir.
China's genocide
Imagine believing this, I don't even know how to engage with this because anyone that still believes this will never respond to any amount of evidence showing that Uighurs are living longer and better lives than ever before (as is the trend in all of China), or how Adrian zenz believes he's sent by God to destroy China, or how despite having a practically undefended border with central Asian countries that there has been 0 refugees, or how foreign bloggers continue to show people in Xinjiang just living their lives and being happy, or how not a single piece of evidence has come out of concentration camps (unless you mean the Taiwanese bdsm club or the picture of prisoners in a regular prison), or how Han nationalists in China actively complain about how good Uighurs have it with the affirmative action programs, or how Chinese state media continues to show Uighur people and culture despite supposedly wanting them all dead, or how every article on this shit is sourced from American state controlled corporate media.
Just because America does bad things/is bad doesn't give other nations a pass to do bad things/be bad.
phew, thank you for figuring this out for everyone. we were so confused on this point until you came along
dude you got the whole hexbear squad out here wrestling with your sheer, incomprehensible amount of shit takes
Actually that's literally how international law works. No supra national organization polices or enforces it so it's up to nations to behave in line with laws they believe exist.
I'd the West fails to adhere to the state practice of (for example) respecting the sovereignty of all states, then Russia or anyone else can also very validly argue that it can too.
Try not to conflate bad decisions within a government to an entire nation full of people. Or, you know, be a xenophobic asshole.
America is not the working class or marginalized/colonized peoples in America. the peoples in America are held hostage by America. America bad! Why? Because it's a settler colonial genocidal reactionary bourgeois imperialist project that's been at war for 95+% of its 250 year history. It would be best for the people here if it were reconstituted through proletarian revolution, at the bare minimum. You're just doing the nationalist chauvinist equivalent of arguing that ACAB isn't true because some cops pet their cat and watch ASMR and drink tea when they come home from a long day of protecting bourgeois wealth from the proletarian rabble.
Very good point. Russophobia is utterly xenophobic and moronic.
Try not to conflate bad decisions within a government to an entire nation full of people.
"Not all americans!"
Nationalist bullshit.