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Denmark arrests teenager for "praising" "terror attack" against Israel - The "praise" in question? This facebook comment "Yaaaaas😍 🇵🇸"

::: spoiler translated text
A 16-year-old girl has been sentenced to 30 days of conditional imprisonment for praising Hamas's attacks on Israel, according to Ritzau.

Under an article titled "Live: Israel attacked with missiles" on Ekstra Bladet's Facebook page, the girl wrote: "Yass," followed by a heart-eye emoji and the Palestinian flag.

The girl, who has family in the conflict-affected area, stated in Aalborg court that she had not read the article.

"I just wanted to show support for Palestine—meaning the civilians. I didn't know Hamas was behind it," she said in court.

She is considering whether to appeal the case to the high court.

  1. muh
  2. This is the kinda shit I point to when I wanna talk about journalists fetishization of "being objective" makes them blind to their own biases, the biases of their sources and the fact they are merely propagandists.
  3. This is the kinda shit I point to when I talk about propaganda in the west
  • i do not recognize the rogue monarchichal regime of the northwestern afroeurasian peninsula allegedly called "denmark"

    • Balkanization map of China but it's of Denmark and incredibly niche and deranged. Somehow England ends up controlling parts due to how the map maker things the Danelaw should have gone or something. Another part is now held in joint custody by the balkans due to the 30 years war

  • Meanwhile Israeli strikes on innocent Palestinians are just “collateral damage”, so cheering those on is perfectly legal.

    Western propaganda is so tiresome once you see through it.

  • I truly urge everyone to abandon

    book / instagram / meta. To boycott all of ZuckIsBorg's toys / traps for your own good.

    • But I flirt with people over instagram!

    • I just don’t expose anything to those platforms that isn’t already public or that could come back to bite me if it were. They are garbage platforms for political discussion, I don’t even try. They’re just ways to know what my friends and family are up to and their major life events

      That said if you have no connection to these platforms already or can use an alternative please do. And don’t rely on them to protect any aspect of your privacy or security, sandbox them and the information they get because they will exploit you or leak ur shit

  • Me getting exiled to the Faroe Islands after committing the greatest of sins (building a Palestine flag out of LEGO)