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Weekly Improvement Thread - Sep 15th

Hello comrades and welcome to the third improvement megathread of September! It's the middle day of the month, good time to review your progress so far and remind yourself of your goals for the rest of the month.

As usual, some discussion ideas:

  • How is your September going so far?
  • Do you want to share something you've done in the previous week? Everything counts, nothing is too small.
  • Do you have any goals or plans for next week?
  • Do you have any streaks? For example, "sober for one day." Feel free to post your streak every day in this thread.
  • If you don't have a continuous streak, did you manage to abstain from something for a day or more?
  • Did you come across some useful information or resource that might help others?

Poster caption: "Watchfully protect the socialist harvest"

Good luck with your goals!

  • This week I did a lot of microexercises. My new habit is to do 2 incline push-ups every time before I wash my hands. Today I'm feeling kinda sick so I don't have any big goals for next week, I'll just try to stay on top of my regular habits

    • That's a cool strategy! I never considered microexercises.

      I hope you feel better soon, comrade!

      • Thank you comrade! Microexercises are fun and cool, you're not gonna get swole doing them but it's a good way to keep moving during the day. You still get health benefits, more energy and better mood doing them. I sometimes go jogging around the block or do some jumping jacks or incline push-ups. If you're keeping track of them, you can see that it quickly adds up over time

    • Moonlake is gonna be Chestlake in a few months.

  • I've been sober off edibles for a week now and did some novel reading. I've been trying to comfort and entertain myself without spending money, and I went a whole week without making a purchase.

    I got paid today though, so I'm going to try to make it stick. Reading the books and playing the games I already have and facing my issues instead of trying to cope with stress in unhealthy ways.

    • I get that, the games which I don't own seem much more exciting than those I already have. What are you reading/playing?

      • Yeah. It's FOMO for me. I want to be part of the conversation sometimes and these games just stop being active.

        Playing Skyrim, Final Fantasy X-2 and Theatrhythm on Switch.

        Reading Slewfoot, about a woman in the 1600s being tormented by puritans and possibly a nature spirit or demon.

  • A full week of opening shifts at work pretty much tanked my workout routine. First couple of days I just worked out whenever I got a chance at home, but after I just got a bit lazy. Also felt a bit sick towards the end of the week and I'm currently getting over that.

    Looking to just get back on track since I'm back to a regular schedule now.

  • Been really busy and working on a bunch of household maintenance type stuff that I've put off for awhile and gotten some important ones like a bathroom deep cleaning and washing bedding done lately but I haven't slept well in awhile and am constantly running on fumes and fatigued and irritable

    Set some fitness goals for a target weight but haven't been able to get my exercise in the last week and feel kinda crappy about that. Have been trying to eat better though and I've been working on reducing my snacking and have been trying to eat vegan more often (I'm mostly vegetarian but my home isn't so meal planning and groceries can get tricky sometimes)

    I want to get back into playing music after a long hiatus, so I'm thinking of taking the money I'm not spending on booze anymore and putting it toward a new amp or a modeling interface or something and start practicing guitar more and set some goals of learning a certain number of songs a week and practice to the point of memorizing them and being able to play along to the recording in time cleanly but I'm sure I'll be rusty and likely get frustrated with myself

    Also want to update my wardrobe but I hate shopping for clothes, so I might make a goal of rounding up stuff I don't wear anymore and donating them to a thrift store to justify ordering shit I've wanted online instead of having to shop for clothes in person because I hate doing that and it exhausts me and makes me really uncomfortable

    Spending a lot of time taking care of my cats and it's been incredibly rewarding and improved my mental health a lot

  • I've run on the treadmill twice per week for the last 3 weeks. Between 12 and 20 minutes each time. Truly grueling, but it improves my mood for the rest of the week.

    Weird runner problems began almost immediately though.

    First, my leg got weird shooting nerve blasts every time I extend my right leg (while running). This was improved somewhat by tying that shoe less tightly. It's not pain, it's a shooting tingle from my knee to the foot.

    Then, my hips started hurting this week (only while running). I mitigated that somewhat by increasing the incline and running lower in my hips + making sure to land heel first on every stride. This felt better in the hips, but it felt like it took more effort.

    If anyone has insight into these things, let me know.

  • September has not been great for me. This is probably the worst my mental health has been in a while. I'm in my "I want to run away and start over somewhere new" phase that I know is an impossibility. I wish I had an actionable plan to get my shit together and improve my life but it feels like so many avenues are just cut off for me. I feel like I have no agency in my own life. I don't get to do what I want on a day to day basis and, largely speaking, I don't know what the fuck I want to do because I so rarely have any agency that it feels like that part of my brain is atrophying away.

  • Ws:

    1. My goal of limiting alcohol to one drink a week max is going well
    2. Noticing I’m stronger than I think I am at the gym. Recently benched 205 for a 1rm and my bench for reps is 185
    3. Went to dentist recently and nothing seems wrong, except for just needing to floss more
    4. Finally making my first solo long distance travel in my life. Paid for the ticket and everything to visit my more successful cousin. Hopefully I’ll learn a thing or two about getting my shit together


    1. Looking for jobs again, and of course since I didn’t major in stem that means not even an interview because clearly whether or not you’re good at an engineering discipline is the single determining factor of your value as a human
  • I'm currently maintaining my various successes. I'm reading books, I'm lifting weights, I'm not wasting time on the internet, I'm actively working on developing my programming skills, I'm trying to "NETWORK™®©" (it's far harder to have a simple but genuine conversation with strangers these days, even at networking events, everyone is trying to boost their brand and shit), and in general all is well. I'm also reconnecting with my writing passion. I have been writing really bad short stories to help get the creative waters flowing from my brain to keyboard, still SUPER far from where I want to be but we are moving in the right direction. Slowly, but certainly moving.

    I hope all the Hexbear c/self_improvement continue to better themselves in every way they can. I really think that actively looking at yourself and becoming better for the sake of yourself is wonderful. Not for the market, not to "self-optimize", none of that shit, but purely for the sake of being better because you want to be. I think that's dope.