How some of the post-federation Ukraine threads feel like
How some of the post-federation Ukraine threads feel like
How some of the post-federation Ukraine threads feel like
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Imagine a conman rips you off a dozen times. It's always the same scheme, too. The same conman comes to you again with the same scheme and says "but this is a legitimate business proposition!"
Even if you do your due diligence (which you did all those other times, right?) and it looks above board, you have to realize that trusting him yet again makes you a fucking rube.
Charlie will definitely kick the football this time.
You're right! This time the conman is totally telling the truth!
It's a simple question:
Someone lies to you a dozen times in the same way. Then they come up to you again with the same story and say they're telling the truth. No matter what you think the merits of their story are this time around, does it make sense to believe them?
This comment needs to be pinned somewhere.
Western "freedom" summed up in a single emoji:
stupid ass genocide apologetic rhetoric
Are you american? Why do you believe a nation led by fools and armed by the most powerful military needs your defending? And have you ever given thought to the victims of the american state?
The point 420blazeit69 is making is that for decades the US has been waging wars either proxy or direct and will point to how necessary it is for US intervention in the situation. In Afghanistan it was the first Al Qaeda then Taliban, in Iraq it was Saddam Hussein's WMDs. Al-Qaeda was originally funded by the CIA to fuck with the Soviets who were in Afghanistan. Saddam Hussein was part of a US backed assassination plot to kill the leader of Iraq in 1959 and only because of that failed assassination did the Ba'ath party really rise to prominence. The US makes decisions in its own self interest and damn the consequences, but it'll also use its own consequences as further justification for continued intervention.
In this instance 420blazeit69 is referring to how NATO is an anti-soviet turned anti-russia alliance. Somehow Russia's borders seem to be right up against a bunch of US military bases. The continued expansion of NATO further east into Europe is threatening to Russia. The US has done regime change in Ukraine, the US is right on Russia's doorstep and people are shocked to see Russia react. The US damn near ended the world with the Cuban Missile Crisis. This war could have been avoided if US and NATO had just kept to themselves and in the end the people hurt by this are the Ukrainian working class being thrown into a meat grinder as western capitalists converge to further divvy up what's left.
CubanTurkish Missile Crisis
It started when America put nukes right next to russia, and it only 'became an incident' when the USSR did the same
Hey lib, maybe you should get those fucking brain worms looked at because your brain has to be fucking Swiss cheese at this point.
You won’t listen to people and frankly any advice for you to try to educate yourself will fall on deaf ears. Any further discussion is as worthless as your ideology.
Is there a single war in history that you wouldn't consider a "genocide"?
Have you ever wondered why?
this totally got me! It is the question libs never seem to really think or care about. Or just answer with some shit about the evil, inscrutable asiatics
Narrator voice: No, he hadn't wondered why.
Duh, Putin invaded Ukraine because he's evil. My understanding of politics is based on cartoons and Marvel movies.