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  • I hate when my distrust of white people proves to be right, lol. I'm at a new college (which is a PWI) and they put us in groups to do orientation activities together, and in that group I think I am one of three(?) non-white students not counting the leader of the group. Yesterday I was doing an activity with that group and I was the only non-white student in the group who showed up, and I had to hear this white person go on and on about how much he would have loved to go back to the Victorian Era because the dresses! The dresses, everyone! Like it was five straight minutes of this before I eventually got to interject that if I went back to the Victorian Era I would be watching my country get torn apart and looted by imperialists. The same white person then went on to make very ableist comments and took offense to me calling them out on it. Thankfully the leader of my orientation group, who was the only other non-white person in the room, stood up for me and made her apologize for being ableist. But yeah I think this person hates me now, and good riddance lol I'm glad that they hate me. If he liked me I would probably be doing something wrong.

    • You know, they could wear those dresses TODAY (!!!) but nooooooo their white ass wants to go back in time to the victorian era and shit

      • People were literally saying that in response and he kept insisting that "nooo it's different". I guess the dresses don't feel the same without British imperialism destroying the Indian cotton industry

    • this is one of many reasons that i prefer racially-diverse environments. if you grew up in a very white environment good luck getting your voice heard as a POC

  • When I'm in an Islamophobic sinophobic competition and my opponent is a liberal talking about how Muslims don't recognize the Uigur "genocide"

    • Still love how all the Uigur separatists are open Zionists. They can't even pretend to be against Zionism like ISIS.

    • It’s always funny how they pretend to care about Muslims as they say stuff like that

    • Some ppl... yk, since the dawn of "Judaism ≠ Zionism", I think it should be mentioned that "Islam ≠ Takfiri Terrorism McJihadism ™", since the latter two are now supported by Western powers, for their own goals...

      • I dislike the western usage of "Jihadism" meaningless word, Jihad is an important part of Islam and by its definition, even secular groups like the PFLP are considered doing Jihad, but the way westerners defiled the usage of the word makes it seem like Jihad is the act of killing the innocent to establish Hijab Harem law or some nonsense. the last is called western backed Takfiri terrorism, Al Qaeda, Isis and their friends.

  • Sat in on a class on Cuba yesterday. Seems like it would have some useful information on the history of colonialism and imperialism in Cuba, but presented through a lib lens. Disappointed but not surprised, my communist friend and I agreed that we would not be taking this class. I know that if I were to attend that class it would just be a class of me arguing with people the whole time.

  • I'm really uncomfortable with people who say things like "The term '[n-word]' transcends race. It has absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity; it's all about how civilized or uncivilized a person is, so uncivilized white people would be [n-word]s too!" and other variants of that outlook that try to "deracialize" this heated slur to make it seem more innocuous.

    Ignoring the fact that, even if you took this definition at face value, this is still racist as fuck, but also, says who? This view of the gamer word is only taken "seriously" by a few weirdos on 4chan. Nobody you interact with in real life will think this definition makes any sense.

    Regardless, words are defined by how we use them, and that use of the gamer word is not mainstream by any means, not even close.

  • I'm Asian and I'm very hesitant to include myself as a "brown" person even though some people do. In terms of suffering from colorism, I feel like my skin isn't dark enough and I tend to have more privilege than other brown people. Racist stereotypes of Asians say they're all super smart and high achievers. Many other racial stereotypes say the complete opposite for other ethnicities of brown people. I feel like I'm stealing victimhood when I say I'm brown.

    My anxiety about this is so great, I don't talk about this at all, not even to my closest loved ones. I don't want to step on anyone's toes about this topic of if I'm brown or not. I don't want to be excluded but I have guilt about being included.

    • You are a stonethrow away from being in the "brown" category pretty much regardless of which Asian ethnicity you're from. I think most people (racists especially) consider Arabs, Indians, and Pacific Islanders to all be brown. Between those areas are China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. It shows just how absurd and arbitrary racism is that these places are all part of Asia, but they're still labeled differently as though there's some kind of blood magic that created these distinctions.

      Make no mistake about it. It didn't matter what category Chinese and Filipinos were in when they were pressganged into building the western United States. It didn't matter what category Japanese-Americans were in when they were rounded up and put in camps. And it didn't matter Sikhs, Persians, and Indians weren't Arabs, they were all lumped together and became the targets of hate crimes following 9/11.

      In the end, whitey will switch from calling us "the model minority" to calling us "removed" the moment we inconvenience them.

    • You matter regardless if you identify as brown or not :). Def lots to unpack but just remember that, and also race is more than appearance

  • I will never forgive KKKSA, UKKK, Usonia and the zioniSSt entity for ruining Arab internet, everything is just bots

    • KKKSA, UKKK, Usonia and the zioniSSt entity

      They've reached there, too?

      You know what? I feel it's time that the rest of Axis of Resistance should respond, through a MEMRI-TV-esque organization that records the west's horrid nature...

      Give em a taste of their medicine...

  • Food racism is so inconsistent like:
    racists make fun of east Asians because they eat things white people don't eat. They also make fun of Muslims and Indians for not eating things white people eat (pork and beef). But they also make fun of Black people for eating things white people also eat???

  • My experiences so far trying to befriend white people for the first time in 10 years:

    Transfem commie. Very cool, very cultured in the arts, very fun to joke and hang with. Still friends

    Transfem liberal. Said Iranians were just trying to flex on Israel because authoritarianism. Also said I'm lucky to be Asian cause I'm inherently more feminine

    Transfem who claims to hate capitalism. Big Kamala/Tim supporter and can't stop talking about them (they're so young! And connected to the youth!) even after I showed her policies are not any better than Biden's. Also obsessed with Waymos

    Cis commie. Very artsy, lots in common. We met to just hookup and I tried to hang with her again but ig she just wanted to hit it and quit it :(

    Cis commie. Talk about music and party with her a lot. In the industry and I got to meet Jamie XX lol. Still friends

    It's pretty annoying because I don't want to hate 99% of people I meet but I actually cannot be friends with libs anymore. POC who haven't read theory generally intuitively understand class conflict pretty well unlike white people