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  • The pure (libertarian) socialists' ideological anticipations remain untainted by existing practice. They do not explain how the manifold functions of a revolutionary society would be organized, how external attack and internal sabotage would be thwarted, how bureaucracy would be avoided, scarce resources allocated, policy differences settled, priorities set, and production and distribution conducted. Instead, they offer vague statements about how the workers themselves will directly own and control the means of production and will arrive at their own solutions through creative struggle. No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except the ones that succeed.

      • It's about people's skin color. I'm calling you a racist. Not helping your cause with 'cee cee pee' either.

        White people are socialist and good when they have capitalism but offer some social programs with taxes. Brown and yellow people who dispossess slave owners of their land and redistribute it are fascists with red paint.

      • Literally nowhere on earth has any substantial Trotskyites outside of maybe the UK and scattered parts of America. The closest thing to Trotskite revolutions were some contingents of the Spanish Civil War and one very odd Posadist group mentioned by Che during the Cuban Revolution. You're allowed to like Trotsky's writings, that's fine, but Trostkyism itself isn't anything of a serious movement.

      • Do you even know how that meme works

  • What did the original say? I haven’t seen it

    • Probably some tankie shit

      You're probably missing out on a free headache by not seeing it

      Because so much tankie shit is so frustrating I get a headache

  • So you hate Nordic countries?

    Sorry, this meme doesn't make sense, what do you think socialism is?

    This is a weak meme lol.

      • Lmao how many people own the means of production in Scandinavia?

        It certainly isn't a democracy, given that they're a capitalist country where the oligarchy of wealthy companies get more say than the average person.

        Again, what do you think socialism is? What do you think fascism is for that matter?

      • They're the type of socialism (social democracy) that I approve of.

        Social democracy is not socialism, it is social-fascism, class collaboration leeching off the wealth of the global south like a settler vampire from the hill of the imperialism. Look at how social democratic settlers treat immigrants, or minorities/natives. You fundamentally do not understand what socialism is.

        And no offense, but you have no fucking idea what the the PRC is doing. You know nothing about their government structure, how policy is carried out, or the way the system functions at all. I guarantee you could not name the tiers of government, or even three government officials without looking it up. Your ignorance is shown right away by the fact that you say “CCP” (Chinese Communist Party) when the correct acronym is “CPC” (Communist Party of China). This is such a simple mistake that proves you have not read any media outside of the west regarding China.

      • As a point of unhelpful pedantry: I feel the need to point out that social democracy, while far preferable to liberal democracy, doesn't actually qualify as socialism since it doesn't guarantee workers control over the means of production.

        But also, that's far less important than recognizing that Stalinism is fundamentally awful so you're doing far better than anyone on Hexbear.

        Edit: to Hexbear people, don't reply. I don't care about your opinion about anything. If anyone posts a Tankie meme at me I'm reporting you for harassment.