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one day i'll have a house with a lawn and there's gonna be so much damn native grass...

[alt text: Text that says, "People [say] 'I never see butterflies or lightning bugs in my yard. Their yard: (colon)". Below the text is a photo of a birds-eye view of a large house with an equally large yard. The lawn is covered in standard turfgrass (probably Kentucky bluegrass) that has been recently mowed.]

  • Recently moved into a house surrounded by really tall (like 45ft) and old trees. At night, we see so many fireflies flying among the shrubs, and I was surprised to see them high up in the tree canopy too.

  • fuck grass, grass will do just fine no matter what we do.

    meadows are shrubbery is where it's at.

    • native grasses are good for pollinators and the soil! But yeah, I mean my goal is to have some sort of pollinator garden as well, at least in a portion of the yard. I have zero gardening skills so i'm trying to temper my expectations. lol

      • i'm not saying native grasses aren't good, just that they don't exactly need our help. Even in a meadow you'll just passively get native grasses because that's how grass does.