It's heating up over on Tumblr
It's heating up over on Tumblr
It's heating up over on Tumblr
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Okay… uhm… consider me out of the loop here: What is a “gimmick account” and how is the first reply related to that?
You have to install them from the AUR using :
yay -S tumblr-gimmick-git
Don't do that. You can install them from the Ubuntu repos.
Sudo apt install tumblr-gimmick
Sorry no, I don't think OP asked to have a Snap installed without her consent
> sudo apt install tumblr-gimmick > look inside > it's a snap > look closer > it's malware
I think the joke would work better if you notice something new after looking closer?
sh: Sudo: command not found
A gimmick account is an account that has one (or more) gimmick or bit that the account does and only does. So in this case there were two (unofficial) distro accounts giving support terminal commands to install something from their appropriate repos