Those captions are pure :brainworms: . Imagine going somewhere and seeing it for your own eyes but instead of relaying the conversations you had with the people there and their point of view you just kept repeating the things you assumed were true before you went.
I hate to say it but similarities between broken, desolate cities in most zombie apocalypse movies just can’t be dismissed
on a picture of a cityscape that would look completely normal in most of the world
You are looking across into South Korea. This open space is the Joint Security Area which straddles the political border within the Demilitarized Zone. The physical border is where the light gravel turns dark denoted by the raised concrete line. Cross that line and you’ll be shot. The blue buildings are halfway in each Korea and by entering them, one can theoretically cross to the South. The large building ahead is the ‘Freedom House’, ironically housing a dozen surveillance cameras.
whoops when you forget that the scary orwellian building youre talking about is actually on the south korean side