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Superbowl Event Update - It's this weekend!

The Superb Owl Super Bowl event is going to begin tentatively this weekend at 8AM EST / 1PM UTC / 2PM CET / 12AM 11 FEB AEDT / 2AM NZDT (I think that covers most of you!) It's going to run about 36 hours to end around halftime of the actual Super Bowl game.

I've filled out the remaining roster spots, but I'm going to leave them as a surprise for now.

Every few hours, a "play" will begin in the game.

A random number of players from each team will face each other in an upvote battle. All active players will be posted grouped by team in the comments, and all you need to do is pick which set of photos you like best overall. Football is a team sport after all, so all the players who work together best come out on top!

I'll end each play after a few hours (I have to see how fast voting goes since this is the first time trying this) and edit the post title to show it's closed and assign points.

Close, tough fought plays will earn top points, 7 points, as a "touchdown."

Any play where it was pretty easy for one team and they win by a pretty wide margin (maybe 10-20%, we'll see how it goes) and that will be worth 3 points, as a "field goal."

Most points after the final match wins!

I've tried to keep it as simple as possible, and hopefully it will run smoothly, and everyone has fun. I based it off how Owl of the Year was done, and you all seemed to enjoy that, this just takes 2 days instead of 2 weeks.

I'll give you a quick run through here:

Play 1 : CLOSED - 7 Points to KC Screech (0-7)

SF Bay Owls - Snowy/Elf/GHO

KC Screech - Screech/Eurasian Eagle/Tawny

Play 2: ACTIVE

SF Bay Owls - Elf/Long Eared
x Upvotes

KC Screech - Hawk/Burrow
x Upvotes

It should be exciting, I look curious to see the voting, and I think with this many rounds of play, you should all have opportunity to vote in some. I think this quicker pace will add an additional element of excitement, since you won't know ahead of time who you'll be choosing from, and they'll start and stop more randomly, and your votes will have a larger overall impact on the results.

I'm going to have a heck of a fun time...I worked out I need around 95 photos to complete this thing, so I've got some Googling to do!

You won't get too great of play-by-play announcements as I only know the very basics of football, but I'll do my best to make it sound "sporty." From previous threads, a lot of you don't know football either, so that takes some of the pressure off!

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