Prime :)
Prime :)
Prime :)
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Old guy here (53). 40s and early 50s women are prime. As with men, they can be a little nuts due to past relationships, and like men, they're often a fat mess (literally)...
But good god, if you're in that age range and land a women that's taken care of herself... Y'all youngins have no idea what you're signing up for.
Young women are great in bed; fresh, beautiful, experimental, crazy. These older girls? They know what they want and they ask for it. They've been there, done that. Nothing is out of bounds.
Heysus Christos... Sex with my wife, "I can't believe this is happening..." And my body count is 50+. That's not to brag, I count myself a failure for it, but gods... Middle age ain't so bad with the right lover.
Keep hope my young friends.
I'm so glad there's an image on the internet to encapsulate exactly how I felt reading that.
You do you though, OP.
Yeah, I just had this 🤢 in mind the whole time, but that image really does do a much better job, and I'm definitely stealing it for future use.
But this is a conversation about women in their prime. This is very much a relevant comment that shalafi made.
If 50s makes you a failure at 53 years old, then I'd be terribly embarrassed if you found out my number in my 30s. Or even in my mid 20s. >,< Which is to say don't feel like a failure. Your body count doesn't make you.
But that said, as a gay man, men in their 40s and 50s are incredible in bed as well. They know exactly what works that little Twinky boys in their 20s haven't even begun to explore yet.
How did you manage to make a comment worse than theirs
He's just giving OP a taste of his own medicine.
I didn't mean to imply that you are sexist.
Way to miss the point of the comment.