Prompt users to update to your latest app version
Prompt users to update to your latest app version
Today, we are introducing a new tool that will prompt these users to update, bringing them closer to the app experience you intended to deliver.
Today, we are introducing a new tool that will prompt these users to update, bringing them closer to the app experience you intended to deliver.
Play recovery tools allow you to prompt users running specific versions of your app to update every time they restart the app.
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To prompt users running an outdated or broken version of your app to update to the latest available compatible version.
- Your app must be enrolled in Play App Signing.
- Your app must be published using the Android App Bundle.
4 0 ReplyEh it’s kind of nessecairy. An In-app solution would be fine if notifs weren’t needed.
The issue is that only google has a notification server.
2 0 Reply