Started putting QR Codes on my filament so I know how old it is and what brand / color
Started putting QR Codes on my filament so I know how old it is and what brand / color
Started putting QR Codes on my filament so I know how old it is and what brand / color
Of course you could just write on a sticker with a pen, but where's the fun in that!
exactly. ^^
And once you've got the QR codes on, you setup a pi with a camera than can read them and give you the results, maybe with a red/yellow/green LED for age :-)
Using an entire SBC for that seems kind of overpowered and unnecessary, just a little microcontroller or your phone will do!
Add a scale spool holder and have an excel sheet automatically updated and make it warn you whenever you slice a model
This 1000% lmao
I use white sharpie crayon-pencils (the grease pens with the paper you peel back a section at a time). Write it write on that reel.