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I'm either in hyperfocus or I forget... anyone else?

I don't think I'm the only one judging by this article:

ADHD can make it hard for us to remember - and want - to take care of basic needs because of our usual challenges with prioritization and distractibility.

People with ADHD have reported forgetting to do things like eating, showering, and going to the bathroom.

Forgetting to tend to your basic human needs can be caused by a poor working memory, hyperfocus, and time blindness.

Anyone can experience these symptoms, as they're not exclusive to people with ADHD and/or autism.



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  • I ended up with a kidney surgery when I was young from holding it. I ended up with hypoglycemia from forgetting to eat regularly, for extended periods during high school. My teeth also had a rough time with bad habits.

    It is a wonder I was not diagnosed for adhd earlier (44 diagnosed 2 mo ago)!

    Because of health issues now still stemming from those younger years, I am more vigilant about bathroom breaks and at least healthy snacking if not proper meals. I keep flosspicks around and handy. Though, I still may not shower until halfway through a day and a future task now requires it, and other small things. Like, I will be sitting and intent on something and feel my leg tingling and telling me it's falling asleep, I won't pay it any attention though to shift or wiggle. Instead, I'll get a cramp or, finally go to move and have no feeling in that limb and be stuck. That's when my brain will acknowledge that we knew the whole time and just ignored it.

    Medicine has been very helpful, though there are still habits that need correction after so many years ingrained.

    • My goodness, you described me... I literally just had to move my leg because of pins and needles, and I have a flosspick hanging out of my mouth. Little habits like that help me stay on track health and hygiene-wise. I also brush my teeth several times a day, so if on occasion I forget to do it before bed, I at least brushed them after dinner or something.

      I'm sorry you had to go through surgery and health issues. It's a reminder of how many facets of our lives are affected by ADHD. Medicine is helpful indeed, but I think you hit the nail on the head: we formed all these habits, and our brains will always go with the path of least resistance. I've had to learn to take pauses during the day and check in with myself to stay healthy and not burnt out. Still learning!

    • Also 44 and diagnosed 3 months ago. I hear you on the years of bad habits that need to be broken. Just taking it a day at a time and trying to be kind to myself. Medication has helped for some things, but not everything. Therapy has been helping too. Still very much in learning and trying to make changes mode.

      I was horrible with my teeth. I ended up having to get three removed last year and gave myself an infection in my jawbone. Do not recommend. I am doing better but even now they may want to send me to some specialist because it got so bad.

      I can totally relate to much of what you said(including nesrly falkng on my face from nkt feeling legs after not moving for too I am sorry to hear about your health troubles. We can be so hard on our own bodies. I knkw I have been.

      I'm not so good about bathroom breaks myself but I have gotten better with taking snacks with me and trying to eat more often and teeth stuff. Thanks for sharing and glad you finally got some help and answers after all these years. The diagnoses was a rather eye opening thing for me. I wish you luck on your life's journey moving forward.