How do you recommend dealing with your old reddit account/ posts? Should I delete my old posts or just leave them there? Or maybe replace everything with the same text?
I heard that reddit might be restoring deleted posts. Would editing the post and then deleting it or just editing it be the better alternative to just deleting it?
I've seen the post that recommends doing all that BEFORE the API shutdown but now it's after so I figured maybe something had changed about the tactics?
Editing everything to jibberish has a negative impact on Reddit and Google searches of Reddit. It's better than deleting since it still takes up database space:
Also would you say random text that doesn't make sense is better or just copy pasting a paragraph from somewhere? Or just a one liner like: "Moved to Lemmy."?
I would not make it too easy to filter out the edited comments. So replacing all with the same paragraph may not be the best idea. Some variation apears to be the key to me.
If you put "Lemmy" in your comments, Reddit will flag that instantly for removal or restoration (even though this is illegal in EU). If you put gibberish or base64, Reddit is too dumb to know to put that in their automatic detection tools.