Fallout: Red Star
Fallout: Red Star
I remember watching this a couple of years back, it was amazing. I highly recommend you watch it too :)
Fallout: Red Star
I remember watching this a couple of years back, it was amazing. I highly recommend you watch it too :)
I really liked this short when I saw it years ago! It got me excited for a fallout tv show/movie.
But honestly, I didn't like the new amazon TV show. The writing/dialogue felt very off and the effects, though better than in this short, felt like they were a YouTube Production.
It felt more like fallout 4/76 writing than new Vegas/1/ 2.
I agree with how you described it at the end, but i personally enjoyed the show. Obviously it's all in personal taste, though. I'm very excited for S2, i hope they knock it out of the park with new vegas :D