Media, universities and law firms all bow to Trump
Media, universities and law firms all bow to Trump
Trump har gået efter medier, universiteter og advokatfirmaer – og de bøjer sig på stribe

When TF will you start protesting??
Media, universities and law firms all bow to Trump
Trump har gået efter medier, universiteter og advokatfirmaer – og de bøjer sig på stribe
When TF will you start protesting??
I protest often. There are protests practically daily in NYC.
That's great to hear! It's not covered in our national media (danish) very well.
They’re not covered in the states either. Most of us know not to bring phones to protests, so the crowd videos are pretty limited, but you can find some on TikTok and Instagram. The next big one is on April 5th. Keep an eye out on social media for posts.
I didn’t understand why a national wide on April 5. It should’ve been on the 2nd from Donald’s “big news” and then on the 20th.
Protests are bigger on the weekends.