Israel publicly announces genocidal intent
Israel publicly announces genocidal intent
Israel publicly announces genocidal intent
So we're just going to have to sit here and let Israel murder these kids. Yeah religion is trash
Yep, they're saying the quiet part out loud now.
First a statement, so i dont get put into pro or anti anyone. I utterly hate the hamas leader who decided to sacrifice palestinians for their cause by igniting this latest bloodbath just as much a I hate the israely leaders who cheefully accepted the invitation to violently take the land. I dont give a rat's ass about religion and strongly advocate against religion being a incentive to kill or be killed. Let people live for fuck's sake. End of statement. (maybe I need a short motto for this)
Now out of pure curiosity Israel tell gazaan to leave but offer no destinations, surrounding countries will not accept gazan partly out of not wishing to be destabilized and partly not wanting to help israel in the cleansing. Was westbank ever considered as a destination ? if so how was it received? It seem to me to be the least horrific solution.
Israel is in the process of taking more of the West Bank too, Israel isn't going to let Palestinians stay there long term.
You don't know Hamas' reasons for making their decisions. Maybe this was planned in any case, and Hamas just had one try at unbalancing Israel so that it would take more time and effort to kill Gaza.
Remember that IRL not all problems have satisfactory solutions. It's not a video game. Maybe to frighten Israelis one more time was the best they could do anyway.
All the separate components of what Israelis are doing they have done before, it's the scale which is different. They've gotten used to the thought that Gazan combatants won't come to their towns and kill them, but their army will come to Gaza and kill Gazans. Maybe this was meant to show that they are wrong, and they are murdering people equal to them, no other intention.
And even the emotion of that miserable jerk on the video is such, I think he wants to look like some Ottoman pasha. Israelis have no history (no, history of European\Maghreb\whatever Jews is not their history, no, of course history of some ancient kingdoms is not their history, and no, Ottoman history is not theirs too, all a bit further than needed), no culture (same as my previous parentheses, a culture is something alive, not a reference) and no national coherence (look at Israelis on the web), so they are just LARP'ing Ottomans.
Hamas did not start this. Israel did.
Well at least we know Trump will handle this much more ethically than that genocide-supporting demon Harris!
I really don't know, but what was it that convinced you that Harris would stop any of this? I didn't get any inkling from her campaign that she'd do anything about the genocide, maybe I missed something
Too early to tell. Trump says a lot of shit, let’s focus on what he does instead.
The only times when he doesn't lie is when he says he's gonna do smth awful tho.
Well, he said he was going to be the worst president the country had ever had, and he's delivering on that.
The IAF blew up 400 men, women and children and today Netanyahu said, "this is only the beginning."
You can get deported from the US now for pointing that out.
What a shitbag.
This is insane, this message looks like something out of a Command and Conquer game.
Terrorists were the first step…sounds like the US was interfering before
Hamas was always a "tame" terrorist force.
Or put another way, the only reason why Hamas existed in the first place is because Israel picked them specifically to be the face of Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and constantly paid them millions to keep them in power, while at the same time, brutally crushed any other groups who might have pushed for Palestinian rights.
There were a bunch of news articles shortly after Oct 7th talking about how Netanyahu's "cash to Hamas" bribery for peace deal had blown up in his face, and no. It did not.
This has been the plan for decades. All Israel needed was an excuse and a somewhat friendly president who could ignore the US' previous policy of paying lip service to a two-state solution.
Israel killing civilians at random probably isn't going to help bring the average Palestinian to their side against Hamas. If they were being nice to the civilians they might actually be willing to help you.
This might come as a surprise but Israel wants to kill all Palestinians and steal their land. Not "beat Hamas".
This is exactly the sentiment. In no reality would they stop once these objectives are met.
If only Hitler would've killed less civilians maybe the invaded countries would've been willing to help him with those awful resistance fighters.
If Israel and Russia can get away with it, then too the USA, and this is the ultimate goal: taking back the world to the days of "territorial conquests".
Most of Palestinians are under the age of 18. Basically telling a bunch of kids he's going to kill them.
This is a fact I try to bring up often... It's a truly disturbing piece of information
Also, they're struggling to survive without enough supplies, they're being cut off from the Internet and power in part so they can't get their message to the world, and they couldn't kick out Hamas if they wanted to - they have no organization or individual power to actually do that
So it's worth considering...who is this message for?
Do you think there's a 13 year old girl in Gaza who is writing a diary that will be widely read by children across the world 40-50 years from now?
Bombs exploding tend to hurt paper, fires tend to hurt paper, all the dust from shock waves tends to hurt paper, and bulldozers demolishing everything tend to hurt paper. If something survives that, then I still don't think so.
If you'll ask why, that's for the same reason as why nobody wrote such a comment about an Alawi or Christian girl from Tartus in the last few days\weeks, to my knowledge. The estimates are of like 30 000 dead already, it's likely more, many civilians are hiding on the Russian bases but you wouldn't expect Russia to protect people it vowed to protect.
Suffering in Gaza is real, but the reason you think about it is that it's convenient, those who suffer are Sunni, and those who kill them are of the general western alliance. It can't be resolved who has more rights between these people, the westerners have just a bit more than Sunnis, but Sunnis have enough to cause outrage. The rest - not a beep.
That's because Gaza is both real and an approved propaganda narrative. And if it weren't the latter, then who knows, maybe it weren't the former too and Israelis would have found somebody else to bomb.
It's 2025, the teenagers mostly document their lives on social media. Tent life guy from Gaza got killed but there are others.
When this empire falls and the genocide history is able to be taught then yes I think some of these video records will be studied by children around the world.
The Germans occupied the Netherlands during WW2 and most (non Jewish) people could still live relevantly normal lives. Israel on the other hand is destroying everybody and everything in Gaza. They don't even have a chance to write a diary.
Around 250,000 Dutchmen died in WW2. A substantial part of that came from the hunger winter in 1944 when the German army took the Dutch harvest. Dutch cities were first bombed by the Germans and afterwards by the allies, and many were in complete ruins. I am saying this not to downplay what Israel does to Palestina, but the idea that most Dutch people lived relatively “normal” lives during WW2 is ridiculous.
As a new biography Dutch Girl: Audrey Hepburn and World War II, excerpted exclusively in this week’s PEOPLE, reveals, it was her experiences during Germany’s five-year occupation of Holland during World War II that truly shaped her.
While more has come out in recent years about her war experience, Robert Matzen’s book reveals harrowing new details about how a young Hepburn battled severe malnutrition, particularly during what was known as the “Hunger Winter” of 1944-45.
Leading up to that brutally cold winter, as Germany tightened its grip on Holland, Hepburn and her family were often forced to live in the cellar for days and weeks at a time due to bombing overhead. And food became more and more scarce.
Israel is doing terrible things, but it simply doesn't compare to the atrocities of the Third Reich. Almost nothing does. It's important we don't downplay just how horrible the Nazi regime was.
4 or 5 years probably
"the muslims" Okay now let’s see what it would looks like if I change this word by an other one starting with a J.
Wait…?! Why I’m getting Déjà vu…ಠ_ಠ
If you don’t know the legal definition of genocide or have enough information to make those logical arguments because of all the conflicting opinions from the media which are just there to confuse you—doesn’t it just feel wrong?
Folks here already pointed out the pure logical explanation why this is genocide very skillfully. Thanks for those comments.
Logically and in my gut this is wrong.
“Feels” is when you suspicious about something but you cannot tell why. This is objectively wrong because its state a genocidal intent as described by Law.
Very good point! I think I was trying to be too mysterious to get people thinking because not a a lot people can view it logically like you do which I appreciate it. Well done.
Because it is. Israel is a force of evil that won't stop until it is stopped. It won't stop in the middle east...same as Russia, USA, and the unspeakable.
very. yes
Trump posted the AI video explaining the future plans.
Trump Gaza #1
This message is literally saying, "dismantle your military, and we will ethnically cleanse you."
"Attention Bajoran workers" energy.
That's in part what it was based on
Israeli’s are blood thirsty monsters. Prove me wrong.
The entire country is sick. The ones in power need to be held accountable and the population as a whole needs a "Denazification". Something that will require generations of reeducation to undue the fascist ethnostate that has indoctrinated children from birth.
Separating this Fascist state from Jewish identity is one of the most important things to do as well. One of the most antisemitic things being done today is when Israel commits genocide and pretends it is doing it for Jews. It is disgusting.
Separating this Fascist state from Jewish identity is one of the most important things to do as well.
It’s extremely disturbing how common it is to weaponize allegations of “antisemitism” against criticisms of Zionism. I would say it’s antisemitic to assume that all Jewish people support the actions of the state of Israel, but strangely, the ADL doesn’t seem to agrees.
Israel government and israel people are two different things. Just like in any other country the majority of people are good and get brainwashed by the government.
lemmy gets awful mad if you were to make the same point about Russians
My personal experience with hundreds of Israelis is that they are very mean spirited people. Who treat anyone that isn’t their blood like shit. I worked for Jewish families on the east coast. They were tied into the Italian mob and trafficked drugs and women like it was nothing. I have a very unique experience within the criminal world of the Jewish Mob. Just by working at a hotel they ran shit out of. I never forgot those moments.
Yeah actually, that's genocide.
Israel should be dismantled. They are a genocidal state and deserve no statehood.
"return the hostages and kick out Hamas, and new options will open for you--including relocation to other parts of the world for those who choose. The alternative is destruction and total devastation."
So the choice is either ethnic cleansing with some genocide or ethnic cleansing with total genocide. This is completely unacceptable, yet there are those who argue that we must accept it and merely choose "the lesser of two evils" with the reason being that it could be worse. However, this only emboldens the evil and they will continue driving to make things worse and worse anyway.
So... Do something about it
Unfortunately, I'm fully capable of comprehending this.
Is this a real post?
Yes, here is the original tweet with the video
Damn you show up in every single Palestine post to stan for Genocide Joe.
No idea why he loves blood so much, dude can't get enough of being smug watching it flow in Gaza.
Trump is continuing democrat policy on Gaza, so yes, just another obvious proof that they are two sides of the same coin.
Genocide Joe has already done 80% of the work.
And there is zero reason to believe he would do anything to stop what they are doing now.
He would blabber some words about having to watch out for civilian deaths while sending them more arms.
His actions are 100% the same except he's a hypocrite about it.
so long as bibi, trump, and the puppet master putin and all of their respective ghouls are in charge, Im afraid every man woman and child in gaza is living on spent time.
Israel has gone full circle or is it half circle?, anyway they are the bad guys now. To much killing of innocent lives.
This is hardly new, they've been the "bad guys" for decades. They're just masks off these days. Raw-doggin a genocide. Or whatever the fucking kids say these days.
Their foundation is only on the back of a decades long civilian terror campaign, mosques, hotels schools private residences, hired murders so on and so forth.
They were always the bad guys
I would love to come across one of the voters that voted for the orange fascist because they thought Kamala would be worse for the Palestines somewhere in the wild. It would be incredible to see if they still feel strongly about it now.
Most just abstained, voters who actually switched sides don't exist imo. If you voted trump last election, you never would have voted kamala even if she actually tried to win.
That being said, I can't really blame people for drawing the line at genocide of all things. The dems thought they had an easy win so they decided to represent genocide instead of us, the voters. I still voted for them regardless but it felt altogether gross. It shouldn't feel that way, they are supposed to be the good ones.
I don't think we should condone the behavior by pivoting the blame to voters, who are just trying to be heard since clearly the democratic party has stopped listening.
Most just abstained
An abstain from voting is a vote that says "I'm fine with anyone or everyone". An abstain is a vote that says "I am complacent to the outcome".
If you want to protest, if nothing else, write in.
I can’t really blame people for drawing the line at genocide of all things
They didn't draw the line at genocide. If you stand and watch and do nothing you are complicit in the genocide.
What about all of the AOC/Trump voters? People are really fucking stupid here.
The only real difference is Harris would have voiced disapproval rather than approval. Netanyahu seems pretty adamant about following this course. I doubt any conservative president would be able to stop it.
I didn’t vote for Trump but let’s not pretend that Harris was going to stop it as she didn’t distance herself from Biden on this issue. Biden had 15 months and he didn’t, not even symbolically at the UN choosing to veto ceasefire, vote against Palestinian right to self determination and continue sending Israel weapons.
Post about israel stating they will exterminate Palestinians
You: it’s because of leftists and muslims and communists and santa maybe batman too.
Way to subtly change the subject and optics. Why don’t you focus on the fact that the United States is currently aiding and supporting a genocide that has been unfolding for the last 70 years? I’m not american and I would have voted for Harris if I was one, but you are disgraceful for using minorities like tokens you can use and throw as you please, I’m quite certain that even if all of them voted for Harris, trump would still have been elected due to your f***** up gerrymandering policy. Putting the blame on hundreds of thousands and not on the millions of apolitical voters is MAGA level nonsense.
Please point out where in my post I said that their vote would have even caused a flip in the election results, there was a group that withheld their vote in protest (not the ones that simply did not vote). So I will say there is no evidence I can produce that they voted for Trump, but the chance of none existing is not zero either. So yes I would like to talk to one of those voters or non-voters in protest to better understand why they initially thought a withholding of their vote in the first place when the worse option was clearly the other option should the election go one way in light of the current votes.
Understanding what went wrong at all levels, and those protesting and withholding their votes was part of that issue. So cannot and should not be ignored if we are to learn from this for the future.
WELL, it's worth discussing that leading up to the 2024 US General Election there was a bit of a bizarre alliance between global leftists and MAGA when it comes to media and information warfare.
For completely opposite reasons each, of course. MAGA thought Trump was going to take the US to being the next level of Imperialist superpower. Global leftists thought Trump was going to destroy the US's power and influence and end the era of the US being the world's sole superpower.
Only time will tell who was correct. Right now it looks like the global leftists were right - the US's influence is rapidly deteriorating, and it may never recover.
Trump is looking like a big global leftist win in taking down the US - at the cost of many Palestinian lives. And maybe this was the trolley dilemma, with millions of Palestinians on one track, and billions of people on the other. Can we accuse leftists of being the ones to flip the switch? No, but leftists absolutely argued in favor of flipping the switch to trump and the downfall of America, at the cost of many Palestinian lives.
The strawmen keep getting bigger and bigger in these threads. Pretty soon they will be so big we will be able to host burning man. While I am sure said voters do exist, they were not the millions of votes that the democrats needed.
It would be incredible if democrats got rid of First-past-the-post boring in the blue states they control so people could be free to vote outside the two party system with no spoiler effect. But capitalists hate competition.
As we can see by democratic inaction on reforming the voting system at the state level, democrats want to continue the hostage situation they present in every election. This is not democracy. Forcing people to vote for your preference will never be democracy. Thus the voting system flaws must be treated like the crisis that it is.
We must be pushing for electoral reform in every state, but why is it so difficult to get the supposed democracy advocates in the democratic party to start moving towards making these critical reforms happen in states they control?
Feel free to make excuses for the democrats. Feel free to attack me all you want. State level rlectoral reform will continue to be the nonviolent way out of this mess. I hope yall come around, even if it probably is to late.
You falsely assume that I even considered these people having the overall numbers to even flip the election results, my comment is based on seeing how they feel about their decision now considering they were quite vocal about not voting for Kamala because she was a warhawk and therefore voted for a supposed “better”.
The rest of your point has nothing to do with the article nor my point. So please ensure keep to the topic on hand.
I too would like to come across one in the wild, because despite people constantly bitching about them, I've yet to see evidence that they exist
Please see the below excerpt from reddit:
“# CMV: Leftist Single Issue Voters are a massive problem for Democrats.
For context, I am a leftist, by American standards at least, and have seriously considered not voting in the upcoming election because of the Anti-Palestine stance taken by the Democrats. That said, I have realized how harmful of an idea that is for the future of our country and for progressive politics in general. The core issue with Single Issue Voters is that they will almost always either vote Republican or not vote at all, both of which hurt Democrats“
Also link to an article that shows there was in the very least uncommitted voters because of this. Yes, I will admit it does not mean they actually voted for Trump but their inaction caused the same result even if they did vote for Trump.
So let allow me to correct my initial statement here for you, I would like to meet to talk to those who withheld their vote because they thought to make a statement about the genocide in Gaza in the light of the current Authoritarian administration.
I would love to meet the people that thought they could use even worse genocide to excuse their own genocide.
"yOu ShoULd hAve vOTeD FOr OuR BabY kiLLeR tO SToP ThE otHeR BabY kiLLeR!"
it's about hurting the right people. whomever you need to hurt to push your agenda through, that's who needs a whoopin', but once that's been accomplished, you can go back to hurting the people you really want to hurt. that's "Freedom", American Style
I have no idea what you're on about vis a vis voted for Trump believing he'd be better for Palestine. A minority people refused to vote Kamala because of her open support of genocide, but that doesn't mean they voted for Trump.
In either case, why is it their fault and not the fault of the democratic establishment exactly? Shouldn't your ire be for establishment democrats who refused to stop supporting a genocide? They could've done that, you know. This might blow your fucking mind but democrats can actually do stuff. No one was holding Kamala secretly at gun point and forcing her to support genocide. She refused to stop and instead parroted the usual talking points of Israel's "right to defend itself." Shouldn't that be the subject of your anger and frustration? Shouldn't you be furious at the democratic establishment becoming more and more conservative as time goes on? Shouldn't you be outraged at the way democrats persecute the progressive elements within their own political party? Instead of angry at the handful of people who tried to make their voices heard on the subject of literally funding and arming genociders?
Like what the fuck do you think political change within the democratic party looks like? Do you think that defending the establishment from anything and everything is how you get them to change? As each successive administration comes and goes the democrats have moved further and further to the right. They are well into conservative territory ideologically, and that should be immediately obvious to anyone paying attention. Gavin Newsom outright supported wild transphobia like forcing trans women into men's prisons just last week. And he's not the only one who's done this. The democratic party is not a party of progressives. They only support minorities until they feel it inconveniences them in any way.
Deep down the blue conservatives understand that the democrats cannot change because that would upset the donors for their billion dollar campaigns.
Please point out in my comment where I said there cote would have flipped the election results, also please note you and others stated alot as evidence for these can be found that the majority just did not vote in protest because of this issue. But I won’t accept that there is zero that actually did vote for Trump for this issue that is mathematically improbable.
People write of the non-voters or the ones (I will accept that these are very small amount) as a non-issue to focus on. But for me even understanding all facets of why they did what they did in light of how it’s currently panning out is to me a better understanding to find out what really went/going on in relation to people and this issue within their decision making particularly because there was a chance it could have been remotely better then what is occurring right now.
"shes not good,"" i dont like her" or she dint make useful arguments in her campaign"-trump voters codewords for sexist reason they dint vote for her.
I, too would like to meet Sasquatch one day. /j
I love when people try to make some type of comparison between one fascist foreign policy party and another like one is better.
This is American foreign policy. It is bipartisan. The only difference between Biden and Trump on Israel is the aesthetics.
There is absolutely no reason to guilt anyone for not voting for the administration that was currently supporting a genocide or one that voted for the one that would support one in the future. US foreign policy is bipartisan. The US was always going to abandon Ukraine and it will always support Israel. If you think that one would be different then you haven't read any history on US foreign policy.
The fact you even thought to call both policies fascist is incredible to me.
One side at least attempted to apply pressure. Was it enough and more should have been done I will not argue with that. But no way in shape or form is the current option better when there was better chance of something happening under the other option given enough pressure.
Plenty of reason to understand these people better so that messaging can be refined for the future, if they choose to feel guilt over their action or inaction because of this then good. Because look at whats happening and if this was their sole reason for withholding or voting another way then yeah I say they need to feel guilt so they can learn themselves how to better use their power to create change.
Internet though guy over here, lol.
I was gonna say "there's tons of em on .ml" but one of em was nice enough to prove it right in this thread
One of them made this post.
Yeah, I am happy to try and go back and forth with the odd stray here. Not sure what those other heavily moderated conservative instances are like but if they are like the askconservative subreddit where I had to avoid using triggering words such as Trans because they would go all snow flakey on me then I suspect they might be the same even here.
Edit: I will add that was from a party of free speech, where they could not even distinguish why trying to discuss Trans rights and them censoring it because it triggered them was completely different when left leaning politics was trying to censor racist/nazi/misogynistic talking points because the latter usually resulted in an increase in violent crimes or in the very least condoned it.
Biden was pressuring Israel to act but also to do so with civilians in mind and to allow humanitarian efforts or risk getting cut off from military aid. Also the line that Kamala most probably would have towed as well. This is for those familiar with global politics is expected between long standing allies ( something Trump is currently failing at every stage currently). Meanwhile Orange Musolini has basically said “Have at it, also that spot there would be great for a hotel”. So I fail to see how you could even compare the two. But sure I guess if you happened to fail to grasp the nuance in global politics.
Unless you happened to have another point to make that is more substantive then “bOth PaRtIeS”.
IF he's able (he's not), I bet drumpf has a huge boner over this.
What the fuck..
I feel like the US taxpayer is bearing the full cost, truly. Israel can't make war for more than a few days without the charity we give them.
Israel is just a US proxy. In fact, a lot of the operations that happen in gaza are actually done by the US, UK and/or France, but that doesn't get publicized for obvious reasons.
I get your point, but it's bad wording in this case, because the cost of the bombs that kills people is not the full cost.
Genocide has been out of fashion for almost 100 years, guess it's in now 😎
Fuck this and fuck all similar shit.
I don't think it ever went out of fashion unfortunately.
Im starting to wonder if we are in the c&c generals time line which also too place on the 2020s.
So when does the main trial start?
As soon as Israel stops being coddled by the US and Europe.
The only level of force left is jack booted thugs ripping families from their homes
They’re too cowardly for that, they’d rather just obliterate them in their homes
Unbiased Islamophobia & Racism 👎👎
The first thing I saw was that it was deleted and I'd already blocked them, looks like they're even worse than I thought. look, man!!!
Are there any pros for still keeping hostages? Those few dozens of people are not worth it. I'd say release them all just to prove a point that Israel won't stop. See what they will say in their public announcements next.
And reward Israel for violating the ceasefire?
Since Israel and the collective Western civilization do not appear to posses any morality, those prisoners are the only leverage Hamas has. They would be crazy to give it up for free.
Israelis are protesting to get their prisoners back, not because they want to end the genocide and care about Palestinians. Plenty if polls have proven this.
They would be crazy to give it up for free
They already released 33 of them, and had about 2000 prisoners released by Israel. Are you going to say "we need to still keep the remaining ones to make Israel release 2000 more" or are you going to say "the bombing casualties are big but they are less than 2000 so let's still keep the hostages", or I dunno, maybe "those prisoners are more valuable than hostages and any possible casualties"?
Israelis are protesting to get their prisoners back, not because they want to end the genocide and care about Palestinians. Plenty if polls have proven this.
Are prisoners supposed to fix that or what? What is the scenario where hostages are going to help in stopping the bombings, if they are not released? Israeli protests are going to make them stop? And after that, the protests will also stop? But the prisoners would still be there, right?
What about the rest of the protesters around the world? Do you not consider the possibility of those protesters to increase in numbers if there would be no hostages?
As much as I want to understand the point, I don't see how the remaining hostages are going to benefit Gaza. There are not enough of them. They are not worth it.
The OP image should have also highlighted the second paragraph.
Absolutely they should give up their only bargaining chip. That will leave them in a stronger position, obviously, as they will be literally decimated -but- they can then complain about how ruthlessly they were destroyed. I'm sure the arbiter will just put everything back as it was before any of this mess even happened.
Especially since the arbiter is one Donald J. Trump, a Colossus of a man with an immaculate reputation for fairness, and a knack for both resurrecting eradicated families and magically repairing destroyed infrastructure with a flick of his wand. Yes, release the hostages unconditionally, I'm sure it'll just work out for you if you, I dunno, pray hard enough. (But not like that, though. We don't recognise that kind of prayer)
Do we see any adequate attempts to do the bargaining though? Do we know that all the hostages are alive and well? Because having only a corpse of some hostage is not good for bargaining.
Yes, let's have those ~50 stay in an unknown state somewhere, and ignore the possibility of Israel bombings to cease or result in lesser casualties, in case those are released.
Thr arbiter, last I saw in the news, "gave the green light to Israel" because the hostages were not released.
I wonder why an organization as extreme as Hamas could see the light of a day… Could it be because their people have been ethnically cleansed and put into ghettos, victimized by segregated laws, put into camps by the only "country" in the world that allow children to be put in prison without trial and probable cause?
You want to put the focus on "khamas" while literal children are being maimed and decapited, innocents getting raped, hospitals and schools being bombed from times much older than when Hamas was founded.
You do not care about women, you hate them and you are instrumentalizing their rights, or else you would be advocating for their right to live. Social progress comes after escaping the grasp of a genocidal entity.
Israel: killed nearly 200 children in one night this week and just restarted it's genocide that has killed upwards of 40k children.
Hamas: has some backwards ideas on dress codes.
You: But Hamas is bad.
Strange how journalists such as Bidan Owda do not wear headscarves and there are churches in Gaza.
But great timing to insert some Islamophobia. Just what we needed, some demonization against a group resisting the most oppressive genocidal culture in the world: Western civilization
Downvoted. Not boring.