There's a clear up tick on daily users growing and we've crossed the 50k line as of yesterday! LETSSS GOOO!
There's a clear up tick on daily users growing and we've crossed the 50k line as of yesterday! LETSSS GOOO!
There's a clear up tick on daily users growing and we've crossed the 50k line as of yesterday! LETSSS GOOO!
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I was fed up with reddit and looking to make a change that won't put money in spez's pocket, arrived a few days ago.
I just arrived today myself, after being temp-banned for 7 days for some bullshit reasons that the appeal team agreed were bullshit so they unbanned me, but not before someone else perma-banned me for violating the rules on 'my other accounts' -- I've had a single reddit account for the entire 14 years I've been there, I don't even make throwaways, so, even more bullshit. I appealed that one too, but even if it's overturned I'm not sure I'm going back. They've gotten real fucking fashy all of a sudden with the censorship, banning people for upvoting shit and calling it 'inciting violence.' Fuck 'em.
Yep and when you're perma banned you're fucked. They don't look at the reasons, they don't engage with people... it's ridiculous
Corporate assholes.
Then everyone banned or permabanned should end the complain with something like "and I'm opening an account in Lemmy. Farewell".
Oooooh I like that
i heard about that situation, some people were getting temp banned, and then when the ban was lifted, they were permabanned. I think some mods mentioned reddit, or the sub does not reset thier filters once the bans was lifted so the filters automatically assume you are EVADING A ban.
The message about my perma-ban was actually 11 hours older than the message about my temp-ban being lifted, so they perma-banned me and then un-temp-banned me, which is.. kinda fucky.
thier filters are so haphazardly banning people, not even verify a violation, thats what im seeing. i just deleted all my perma-banned accts, its pretty hard to repeal once they give a permaban that doesnt state where and what the violation was.
This was me during the APIcalypse. Since joining Lemmy, I have:
I hope you have a good time here as well!
Give us good yuri manga recommendation 👀
If you're not daily driving Arch, btw, did you even join Lemmy?
I know you're not daily driving Arch because you didn't mention it.
(Jokes, obvs. Congrats on the self-discovery!)
Sounds like some very positive changes in your life. Glad to hear that you've been improving yourself.
My wife and I recently had to make a difficult but necessary change in our own lives, fleeing from the US to live in France while we wait to see what shakes out of the chaotic situation there over the course of the next year. Been starting in on the language learning, but it's been slow going.
How was that process? Is your wife French? I wish I had dual citizenship anywhere.
It was not as big a deal as you might think. In order to get a visa that we can renew each year, we basically had to prove these things:
-We have valid passports and identities -We are not going to take a French person's job -We have health insurance (so that we don't end up stiffing the French healthcare system) -We won't be homeless on arrival in France -We have enough savings to support ourselves for the time of our Visa's validity (because we're not allowed to work for a French based company while we're here, see second point)
I've been saving 50+% of my gross pay for the whole time I was working, and my wife is doing the same, so we had plenty of money available to buy plane tickets, pay lawyers to advise us, buy health insurance, and get help with the application process. Honestly, the lawyers were not needed and we're very expensive I would not use lawyer again. I used them because we needed to get out fast and I wanted to make sure that the first application would be successful. The instructions on the website for the French government were clear and straightforward and we could have done the application ourselves without major difficulty. There were even versions of the application forms available in English with checklists of documents to bring.
My wife is not French, but my mother, my stepfather, and my three step-siblings are. Unfortunately my mother naturalized here after I could have gotten French citizenship through her (I was 23 when she became a French citizen).
Thanks, glad to be here. This place seems way more welcoming than I remember reddit ever being. But I was a little late to the party on Reddit, I joined in 2016.
I also broke free from Reddit. Hopefully in lemmy we are not limited to only post things that agree with moderators point of view.
For sure. There can also be a problem of too little moderation, though. There is a balance to be struck between censorship of opposing views and getting rid of off-topic spam.
For instance, there were a few regional subreddits that were obviously intended to be for thing like "Which restaurants are worth a 30 minute drive to go to" and "Come to my band's concert at the waterfront this weekend", but had turned into basically nothing but off-topic spam wars about national level political topics.
The mods refused to do anything about it, so I just left because 90+% of the content was stuff I didn't come to that subreddit to read. Keep that shit on r/politics.