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MLK’s message to those Democrats who always tell us to just “wait for a better time to vote third party”


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  • Yes, Dr. King was wary of so called moderates, but to extrapolate this as support for third party candidates is fallacious. What does voting third party have to do with the direct action that Dr. King is championing in this quote? Non violent direct action such as protests, marches, and sit ins were a very specific strategy to expose social tensions and force society to deal with them when it would otherwise be easier to ignore them. How does voting third party achieve this?

    • "In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none." -- Kwame Ture

      Since you're apparently incapable of identifying connective tissue, the link here is it's always "this isn't the right time", "this is the election of our lives", "we can't brook dissension now", "shut up and fall in line" every four fucking years; and y'all say the exact same shit every single time. You foist the exact same malfeasant grifter motherfuckers to 'reduce harm' in ways that never seem to trickle down to the ghetto. It never ends. You are that moderate. You are the eponymous Fox. If you weren't, y'all would have 'pushed Biden left' enough to get the border camps closed by now.

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