The legislator failed you, the courts failed you, you are now property of the oligarchy.
The legislator failed you, the courts failed you, you are now property of the oligarchy.
The legislator failed you, the courts failed you, you are now property of the oligarchy.
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No the fuck we aren't. Theres still one more branch of government to put a stop to this madness: The People. Together, we can do it.
It's well past time to get difficult.
There's been a run on Guy Fawkes masks, with delivery dates pushed out all the way to December 4th.
Except for the 'fuck', this sounds very much like my high school civics teacher, and he was great. I really believed it... then. Now, not so much, but fuck it I'm sure gonna try.
You better believe it, dattebayo!
It's like really hitting me that the shit I've been saying is real. I hoped I was just being dramatic but it's more and more clear my country has checked out.
Call me if they start to rally but I just can't raise anymore flags right now.
Everywhere I go, usually I'm the most pessimistic person in the room, but today I'll say that the fat lady hasn't sung yet. The first 2025 protest I went to, couple of weeks ago, there were four people, counting me. The second and third, there were a dozen, then two dozen. On Monday there were hundreds — an actual crowd. Yeah, it ought to be tens of thousands, but America is waking up.