Netanyahu gifted Trump a golden pager during their meeting in Washington
Netanyahu gifted Trump a golden pager during their meeting in Washington
"Press with both hands"
...just when you thought this timeline couldn't get much weirder.
Netanyahu gifted Trump a golden pager during their meeting in Washington
"Press with both hands"
...just when you thought this timeline couldn't get much weirder.
Similar to a lot of other highly effective attacks, its also a war crime ☹️
What exactly makes an attack on devices that were exclusively used by members of Hezbollah a war crime?
The indiscriminate detonations killed many civilians including children.
Indiscriminate is the correct word. They were detonated all at the same time regardless of where their targets location at the time. Civilians were killed, including children.
So 2 dead kids is acceptable and makes it a discriminate attack. How many dead children before it is indiscriminate?
You can always tell who is a liberal by listening to them justify killing a few kids for the greater good.
Hezbollah had provocation, namely 75 years of oppression by the Israelis. They also did not attack first. This wasn't Israel defending themselves, this was them once again attacking someone who stood up to them without a care about collateral deaths, which is their normal. You call them terrorists, but what I see in Hezbollah and Hamas are the lone defenders of a people the West is trying their absolute best to quietly genocide.
I don't really care if you can "excuse" me for saying so. I don't really care what a genocide-promoting Zionist thinks, because quite frankly, the ideology is no different in its methods than Nazism, and I also don't give a shit what Nazis think either. Israel picked this fight, and they deserve whatever comes their way.
I watched the videos of the things Israeli soldiers are doing to civilians in Palestine, so yes. I've seen what terrorists do to innocents. As an American, the absolute best thing that could happen for the world is my government be toppled, and the hegemony and cycle of terrorism we're perpetuating in the Middle East stopped once and for all.
Yeesh. You really are a liberal. Complete with a savior complex. I bet you voted democratic the past few elections, but told your white friends you agree with republicans on “fiscal issues”. You probably nodded your head when Hillary talked about black people as “superpredators”. Your favorite author is Tom Clancy, and you think the CIA are the good guys. People like you are the reason the world is fucked up. You’re the kind of person to “both sides” the conversation when it comes to nazis like Trump. Just stop pretending you want anything more than the US ruling the world.
Fortunately for the rest of the world, the US has royally screwed the pooch. We are one of the worst things to ever happen in history, and it makes me happy to know that due to our own actions, we are inexorably moving towards a world that doesn’t revolve around us. And with other nations stepping up to fill that power vacuum, the day is coming sooner than most people anticipate when it won’t be us the rest of the world looks to for guidance. And there’s nothing you, or any other bootlicking schmuck in Washington, can do or say to stop that march of progress.
Now, I’m going to block you, because speaking to someone like you makes me feel filthy, and I’m disgusted enough I’m going to take a shower.
Bad bot.
Incorrect premise. A pager is an ordinary consumer electronic device that can and did find its way into innocent hands.
Not this one. Israel created a shell company that sold these particular pagers only to Hezbollah (reportedly at a profit). Neither did Hezbollah buy these in random shops nor were they ever distributed to random shops. The network they used was also exclusively created by and for Hezbollah, not any civilians, so even if civilians had wanted to use these devices, they would not have been able to. Hezbollah bought them in bulk and distributed them to their members, believing they would be a safe way to communicate without tracking, since most pagers are one-way devices.
I mean, I wasn't there, but I read that it did hurt some people who weren't directly associated with the group. Some children and a medic, apparently?
Are you a chatbot?
Honestly, this is the most insulting accusation you could make. Is my writing style really this awful?
I'm not. This user name is decades old. I think I first started using it around 2003-2005. If you're willing to dig, you can find things written under it aeons ago.
Because you keep parroting the same argument in the face of direct contradictions.
Consider trying to change my mind with facts. None of you have so far. Instead, you demonstrated a lack of knowledge and understanding. You are emotional, not rational.
No, you.
it would take you 2 minutes to look for that info. it is readily available.
I have spent far more time on this topic. See my other answers if you don't believe me.