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Destiny 2 has one of the worst bugs in its history that’s melting bosses and PvP players

Destiny 2 has one of the worst — and most hilarious — bugs in its history right now, allowing players to create guns with perks that are game-breaking in activities or PvP. Players can put shotgun frames on auto rifles, resulting in a weapon that obliterates someone in PvP in milliseconds due to the hugely reduced time to kill. Bungie, the developer of Destiny 2, says it’s working on a fix.

Lean into it Bungie...let that shit run wild for a few weeks.


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  • This is literally the biggest and most game-breaking bug the franchise has ever seen. No contest.

    I wish I was home to try before they all get reset, but I'm on vacation :(

    Curse leisure! Curse it!