Conservative Maoists?
Conservative Maoists?
Conservative Maoists?
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Yeah, can't wait to see what a bunch of bored teenagers and twenty somethings will do to our food supply after the first couple of seasons fucking around. Forced labor also doesn't mean quality labor.
Authoritarians never learn that forcing people to act like they want doesn't work.
RFK Jr has seriously proposed sending drug addicts, which he defines as people taking prescribed medication for mental health reasons, as well as your more stereotypical hardcore drug addicts... to basically agricultural work / detox camps.
No meds, no phone, live in a barracks, do farm work... while you and everyone else are cold turkey quitting heroin, or fentanyl, or ritalin or zoloft or wellbutrin.
That sounds like a program ripe for abuse.
Thankfully, that will never happen. /heavy amount of sarcasm
The trick is just that everyone has to do it. Without exemptions for rich, influential etc…. (Ofc. not disabled, pregnant etc…)
You will quickly find all the rich have bone spurs which prevents their service.
Now get back to the fields peasant.
I imagine it would be similar to the authoritarian practice of forcing teenagers to attend school: it really depends upon how it is organized and executed with additional variations in response based upon the individual.
Its actually been done before and most teens quitted or were fired within weeks because of the inhuman working conditions. The quality of the work they would do is completely irrelevant.
It sounds better than forced military service.
The thing about forced labor is that quantity is its own quality.
You can also use certain government controlled documents as an incentive. For instance, it was common in the Soviet Union to use agricultural service as a requisite for graduation.