Has any country actually solved the housing crisis?
So there's a ton of countries that I've heard have had truly unaffordable housing for decades, like:
The UK
The Netherlands
And I've heard of a ton of countries where the cost of houses was until recently quite affordable where it's also started getting worse:
The US
And I'm sure plenty others
It seems to be a pan-Western bloc thing. Is the cause in all these countries the same?
We've heard of success stories in cities like Vienna where much of the housing stock is municipally owned – but those cities have had it that way for decades. Would their system alleviate the current crisis if established in the aforementioned countries?
What specific policies should I be demanding of our politicians to make housing affordable again? Is there any silver bullet? Has any country demonstrably managed to reverse this crisis yet?
It’s not always quite so clear-cut racist. Often it’s more about social norms and food choices. When everyone shares an insular culture, it’s easier to live near each other without having to be actively tolerant of people’s differences. And the social nets that ARE set up are more likely to work for people with a shared cultural background.
Shut uppppp. I live in a building that has a lot of immigrants (mostly students) and we get along just fine. That "oh I'm not racist, different cultures just can't fit together" argument is bullshit, and even if people from different cultures don't get along too well, it's still better than them being outside when it's -20 degrees.
I’m pretty sure ALL reasons are bad reasons? It doesn’t stop humans from generally being racist when it comes to housing. Which is a shame; you grow a lot more as a person when you live next to people from other cultures.
Funny how so many people took that. Pointing out that people are, as a whole, racist, and that it influences how they think about the homeless gets turned into a “here’s my bigotry coming out to tell you why it won’t work.”
I guess I could have framed it more clearly, but once the mods removed it, I figured people would just move on.