NaNoWriMo gets AI sponsor, says not writing your novel with AI is ‘classist and ableist’
NaNoWriMo gets AI sponsor, says not writing your novel with AI is ‘classist and ableist’

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) started in 1999 to get writers to spend their November writing a 50,000-word novel. The idea is that quality doesn’t matter — you get into the rhythm of wri…

If the only reason people care about NaNoWriMo is for the name and hashtag, somebody already pitched Writevember as a replacement. Honestly sounds better to me anyway.
I've heard other people say the tools/gamification/etc on the NaNoWriMo platform were really helpful though. For those people, how difficult would it be to potentially patch that stuff into the WriteFreely platform? As one of the only long-form Fediverse-native platforms still being actively developed, maybe they'd appreciate the boost in code contributions.