His character on Deep Space 9 infiltrates the space station by impersonating an admiral. He does this by saying the following phrase anytime someone asks him a question: "That's a stupid question". Because he's wearing an admiral uniform he gets away with his rudeness and the subordinates just let him infiltrate the station.
Oh lol thanks for clearing that up. For some reason I was looking at the username in the picture trying to figure out how it dealt with the Wheel Of Time character lmao.
Completely glossed over the commenters DS9 username. Patrick and the rest of them made that episode so funny.
I was talking about the person in the picture you posted. I didn't even notice your name lol. I wish I did because Teft is one of the best from stormlight!
Oh lmao I see 😂
I'm replying from my inbox and somehow didn't see it was removed. Funny that we can still have a conversation through an already deleted thread by doing this lol.