Trek Loading Screen: Bones was right
Trek Loading Screen: Bones was right
Text is modified from a Borderlands respawn message.
Ye olde template
Trek Loading Screen: Bones was right
Text is modified from a Borderlands respawn message.
Ye olde template
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Depends on the episode.
Based on Second Chances, due to the fact that two Rikers are created, it shows that the "self" can be created or destroyed by the transporter.
Based on Realm of Fear, you are conscious throughout the whole transport, and it shows that you maintain your existence.
Different writers do different things and you are free to head canon it however you want.
While not an exact or consistent science, I'm ok with the existential quandry. I just hope that handsome devil on the other end of the transport lives their lives fully and tries to make better decisions.
"I've had a good 17 minutes or however long that away mission lasted. Might as well make way for the next iteration that'll take over once I cease existing forever."
Based on Realm of Fear, you are conscious throughout the whole transport, and it shows that you maintain your existence.
Is that the only episode where that is mentioned? Because there have been a lot of transporter accidents that copy, clone+alter, combine, etc, transporter victims.