Tough Shit
Tough Shit
Tough Shit
Yeah..I think people also subconsciously craft a persona of the other based on only one data point, and once they have their subconscious creation of the person from the “other” team, they ignore everything else that was written.
I’ve also been trying to reason with them and they also won’t read what I wrote. Or, like you said, it’s possible I wasn’t clear enough, which is certainly possible.
Not too sure why mods are deleting our discussions though…
Power hungry mod sterilising what they don't like.
Hey mods - care to explain why you are removing our discussion? Would’ve been nice for others to see the discussion.
Can you recap what was discussed?
Usual shit. One user got offended at the word 'she' another user got offended that someone was offended, and I got offended that the offended was starting a war of words when their name was StopJoiningWars.
Admin apparently decided this all needed to be removed so we could focus on the important issue at hand: memes.
Ahhhh, so typical lemmy. Gotcha!