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Hunter Biden lawyer files complaint after Marjorie Taylor Greene shows Congress nude photos /story/news/politics/2023/07/21/mtg-shows-hunter-biden-lawyer-photos-congress/70445956007/

Hunter Biden’s lawyer filed an ethics complaint in the House of Representatives on Friday against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for reaching a “new level of abhorrent behavior” after she displayed sexually explicit pictures of him during a hearing Wednesday.


Hunter Biden lawyer files complaint after Marjorie Taylor Greene shows Congress nude photos

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  • Me and my whole family is from and currently in Eastern Europe you numbskull. As a bonus my mom's side of the family is originally from the karelia region where they escaped the soviet occupation once already. I grew up with horror stories from my parents and grandparents about the soviet regime. Also my extended family is about 10% lighter thanks to that regime. And anyone defending that bloody dictator's regime is a monster, yea.

    It's 4 am so I'm not gonna go over the whole wall of surveys with a comb but here's my thoughts out em: I'm not surprised about the poll for Serbs, they do seem to love their genocide. As far as the 2 polls that says life was better under the USSR I guess their country must have really gone to shit now.

    Considering the USSR did some considerable ethnic cleansing with their death camps in siberia and replacing the local population with their own and the breakup itself causing a lot of economic issues I can entirely believe that those countries consider the breakup itself to be harmful. Also note that the last poll leaves out 4 countries that definitely would consider the breakup to be good which is very weird. If you wanted a poll that said the breakup of the USSR was harmful you definitely want to leave out the Baltics.

    • Me and my whole family is from and currently in Eastern Europe you numbskull.

      Then you should know from talking to literally any elders that you're talking shit.


      Lmao so you're a Finn that's proud of having fought on the nazi side of ww2 then and are unhappy with the soviets over it. Cool.

      Considering the USSR did some considerable ethnic cleansing with their death camps in siberia

      This is absolute nonsense. You are a historical revisionist who invents reality to suit themselves. 90% of people who entered soviet work camps left them alive perfectly well, calling them death camps is absolutely absurd. Frankly I'm not going to bother responding to you any further because this just continues to give you opportunities to spew literal actual bollocks into the thread.