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What's a tankie?
Hard-core authoritarian communist. The kinda peeps who support Stalin and shit
Isn't "authoritarian communist" kind of an oxymoron? 😂 like the whole point of communism is that there isn't a ruling class. I guess Russia and China were never really communist, just statist authoritarian right? I mean, the Nazis called themselves Socialist. They were nowhere near that
Isn’t “authoritarian communist” kind of an oxymoron?
Yes. Yes, it is. I sometimes call them “pseudocommunists” for this reason.
Isn't "authoritarian communist" kind of an oxymoron?
Most real life implementations of communism used an authoritarian one party system. You can say these aren't true examples of communism, but that just ends up sounding like cope unfortunately.
None of those states ever gave economic or political power to the working classes.
Fair point. Though so far, there hasn't really been any system at all that didn't lead to genocide and/or class based opression. From monarchs to feudal Lords to capitalist oligarchies and communist dictators, terrible people always rise to the top.
As how Marx outlined Communism as the evolution of Capitalism once it reaches a scale of production that everyone can have their needs met, resulting in a classless, stateless, moneyless society, then yes authoritarian communist is an oxymoron.
well socialism has the proletariat as the ruling class, this is true in Marxism & anarchism even if anarchists word it differently
The party leaders are not proletarian, but rather become part of a class of privileged bureaucrats.
there's a trend towards that, which can be combatted & has been by communist parties. Stalin had a pretty incoherent plan to combat rightist tendencies within the communist party, assuming the problem stemmed from external meddling. Mao actually shared your view in that bureaucracy rots socialism, and that it needs to be decreased as the people are helped towards being self reliant, ready to self manage the economy & have suitable industry to run the country with. that's why the cultural revolution happened, to fight bureaucracy
And yet in spite of the few positive things contributions Mao made, and some of the things he got right, he still positioned himself culturally to take up the position 'benign and distant emperor. Much as the contemporary regime prefers to pin all the horrors of the Cultural Revolution on the Gang of Four, many of Mao's ideas themselves were harmful (such as wholesale and universal destruction of old culture).
Marxism-Leninism and its party structure has shown itself, in practice and historically, as being unable to resist this impulse to corruption and autocracy. It was Bolshevik counterrevolution that destroyed the power of the Worker's and Soldier's Soviets in Russia, Soviet counterrevolution that invaded Ukraine during its revolution, and then again Leninist party counterrevolution that prevented any of the (few) positive aspects of the cultural revolution from blossoming into anything useful.
Vanguard parties are counter productive, and counter revolutionary. The French revolution gives us the same lesson, as the Jacobin counter-revolutionary terror (with the oh-so-popular guillotine mostly used on the poor) created the space for reactionary backlash.
The centralization of power is, therefore, a counter-revolutionary impulse. Humans being are not suited for the rule and management of others. Only a revolution that truly returns power to the people has any chance of lasting. That's why even the flawed and imperfect Kurdish revolutionaries of Rojava are sustaining the social and cultural infrastructure for revolution, while Marxists, Maoists and other authoritarian communists world-wide consistently either degrade into bandits and terrorists, or form corrupt and reactionary power-structures.
This is such a based comment. Good analysis and very well said.
The proletariat are by definition the majority. The Soviet Union was by no means ruled by the majority. Stalin murdered millions to enforce his autocracy—the exact opposite of majority rule.
just to chime in with an anarchist perspective-- majority rule, as lionized by proponents of liberal democracies, is itself a form of heirarchy in which the will of an ostensible 'majority' (though usually that of the capital- owning class actually) is inflicted upon society as a whole, alienating the minority position, enforced by the state apparatus' monopoly of violence.
if one values bodily autonomy, reconciled with the needs of the collective, a system of governance like mutual collective determination must be established which guarantees that all voices are heard and acknowledged.
Communism must be enforced somehow, it just ends up being authoritarian because of that
The same can be said for capitalism though.
Capitalism must be enforced somehow, it ends up being an oligarchy or authoritarian because of that.
Not sure I disagree, necessarily, but that's the answer to your question.
it's also not an either or situation
Certain aspects of Stalin? Or in general?
Both. Fascist apologist like to cherry pick palatable characteristics of figures like Stalin, or Hitler, or Andrew Jackson in order to destigmatize thier idolatry of these figures. These "certain aspects" are the tip of the wedge they use to destroy rationality and peace.
A reasonable person who would like to discuss the benefits of communism would point to the value of labor, advantages of unions, and the dignity of the worker, not the evil, paranoid, and violent person of Stalin.
Always, the stink of fascism follows the idolization of so called "great men." Excuses after excuses.
I appreciate you arguing even though it's with a brick wall.
Lol. To the contrary! I think communist lady has proven to be in interesting person to argue with. 😅😅😅😅
i hope it is red brick 🤔
You're the brick wall, so yeah. Read the meme lady. Easy block.
nonsense, communists were on the front line to kill people like hitler. this is holocaust denial
The Holocaust most definitely happened and was perpetuated by the Nazis. Please don't accuse me of denial.
Communism, or to be most specific, Marxism, was most definitely aligned against Hitler.
Stalin, was not. He would have watched Hitler kill all of Europe had the Nazis not attacked Russia. Same as the united states if Japan had not attacked them.
Permanently Deleted
I'm not obsessed with Stalin. I'm also not a Holocaust denier. You really seem keen on saying inflammatory things about me without any preceding context.
I will observe that I think Stalin was an awful person who tarnished the reputation of socialism for a century. I don't have anything against socialist, being one myself.
I have a beef with apologist for failed communist states like the soviet onion. I feel they deeply misrepresent socialism.
You did not addressed a single point lol you're a broken disc, say the same thing all the time
I will observe that I think Stalin was an awful person who tarnished the reputation of socialism for a century. I don’t have anything against socialist, being one myself.
this is an american/european thing, not a rest of the world thing. i am not an american, i live elsewhere right now and i am also trans. you simply have been propagandized, and you believe it because you are a product of your environment.
you are a holocaust denier if you deny that communists fought fascism and instead supported nazism.
It's a semantic argument, then. To me a fascist is a Donald Trump. To me, Facisim is a broad set of characteristics which can be attributed to people outside of the context of Nazi Germany. For example, I might call an ancient emperor a fascist.
Facisim to you is a political movement linked only to the Nazis and thier allies.
That's not unfair. It's a different definition of the word.
Your historical notes are technically correct, and Stalin did even attempt to reach a pact with France to limit the potential expansion of Nazi Germany. However, once those initiatives failed, Stalin had no issue about pacting with Hitler instead to invade third countries together, which highlights how Stalin's first priority was improving his geopolitical position, rather than an ideological opposition to nazism.
This is myopic. Stalin invaded Poland because it refused to cooperate with the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany. The Nazis and USSR weren't just raiding North Africa cooperatively, it was a geographical necessity to the Soviets attacking Nazi Germany that they be able to have their military on Germany's border!
How the hell are the Soviets supposed to attack Nazi Germany if Poland says the Soviets aren't welcome on its land?
Permanently Deleted
Do you deny the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact and the illegal attack on Poland by the Soviet union under its leader Josef Stalin?
Permanently Deleted
No why should I ? A non aggression pact is not the same than occupying another country. The Jews which were deported to other parts of the Union were in deed saved from the Nazis.
I am of the strong opinion that fascism doesn't care if you call yourself a communist, a capitalist, or a Democrat. If someone promotes a state which strips the power of local and individual labor for it's own use; cultivates violence as a means of domestic control; supports expansionism; and finally the consolidation of power under a personality; I oppose it, and call it what it is.
vague criteria. you can argue any country you dont like is under a dictatorship of whatever and is led by a cult of personality. you should be concerned about more realistic things, like supporting unions in your country, helping marginalized people, that sort of thing. not punching down at socialists.
My comments are split now, so I'll let you read my other one. I would just like to emphasize that I consider myself a socialist, and that it's not really that vague of a criteria for the purposes of an Internet argument. It's just broad. I believe all current world superpowers current share elements of fascism which I despise and oppose.
i agree that america is genocidal. no reason for you to hatepost about communists when we agree with so much.
What's your excuse for the holodomor?
famine is terrible, and it was caused by western sanctions and invasions of the soviet union and even other regions of the world. please note that many western armies looted and burned their way through ukraine during the civil war, and america itself occupied vladivostok in the east even. it is also important to think that if the soviet union sought to kill all ukrainians, why didnt they? after ww2, there was no one stopping them.
it is also important to note that almost every region of the world experienced famine during this time, and these famines led to radicalization in many forms. my grandfather was a survivor of famine from similar causes.
You're a spineless coward, just admit you're fine with genocide and totalitarianism so long as they have a red flag.
Genocide is horrible. That's why I have so much respect for the USSR for stopping the Nazi menace.
So I guess it's just not genocide when the Soviet Union does it?
And then they killed millions of people to enforce Stalin's autocracy. How, exactly, is that better than Hitler?
this is holocaust denial, you are a fascist. good job on being a shitstain
All tankies ever have is name-calling.
Because they were attacked. Otherwise they would have happily sat out of ww2.
Nazism as an ideology set out to eradicate those seen as impure, and two of the most prominent of those targeted groups were communists and Slavic people. Hitler literally wanted to kill everyone who identified as a socialist. To think that the USSR was unaware or tolerant of this fact is a truly awful take.
Wow a commie who doesnt know history, not surprising. Firstly I never said USSR didnt know what Germany was doing, I said they didnt care. This is backed up by history. Yes Hitler hated the soviets and they probably disliked him to but they tolerated him and his crimes against humanity enough to form an alliance and work together. A little timeline of events to refresh your memory: 1939 USSR signs a non aggression pact with Germany. This pact includes plans to divide eastern europe between USSR and Germany, a clause that prevents the USSR from allying or aiding enemies of Germany. Shortly after Germany and the USSR double team Poland and split it up between them. After Stalin used the attack to capture a few eastern european countries he asked to join the Axis powers treaty. Stalin was warned multiple times that Germany was preparing to backstab him but rejected the warnings as he thought they were so allies. After it was confirm that Hitler had betrayed him he spent several days sulking in his holiday house refusing to communicate with his generals.
There is no way you can reasonably say that USSR disapproved of Hitlers action and Ideology. The only thing he would have had an issue with is that Hitler hated slavic people. He was even willing to put that aside because they both had authoritarianism in common.
Stalin was warned multiple times that Germany was preparing to backstab him but rejected the warnings as he thought they were so allies
He underestimated how quickly Germany would attack and that was a massive fuck-up that resulted in a huge amount of death from the ensuing genocide by the Nazis, but that's not because he thought Germany and the Soviet Union were "allies".
He was even willing to put that aside because they both had authoritarianism in common.
This is such an insipid statement. "Authoritarianism" isn't an ideology, it is a methodology. What, are you saying that they had common cause against the wholesome democratic west that rejected Stalin's requests to form an anti-fascist alliance and crush Nazi Germany?
Permanently Deleted
Did you finish your book halfway through? Hitler and Stalin formed an alliance shortly after the Spanish civil war. Even though Hitler referred to Slavic people as untermench Stalin still signed treaties because they were at the end of the day both Fascist Authoritarian dictators and dont give a single fuck about committing crimes against humanity.
Permanently Deleted
This is so stupid and you provide part of your own refutation. Molotov-Ribbentrop was not an "alliance", it was a non-aggression pact and an agreement limiting the amount of Poland that the Nazis could invade. Where the Nazis invaded Poland, they committed genocide. Where the Soviets invaded (since Poland refused their earlier offers to ally against Germany), they evacuated the Jewish population from the front lines of the inevitable invasion.
Reading through this thread, a lot of the Beehaw users are crass anticommunists who hardly even tolerate anarchists. Considering the understanding you came to with CommunistLady about the equivocation you make here being kind of gross, I'd like to gently submit the suggestion that you check out, since it's a communist site that puts heavy emphasis on trans-inclusivity and has an anarchist comm (and rules for the MLs about treating the anarchists with respect).
Permanently Deleted
The fundamental problem of tankies is that they forget the whole point of socialism is making people's lives better, not getting revenge on the hated capitalists. If you create an oppressive hellscape in the process of destroying capitalism then you've failed.
"I care deeply about the color of the boot"
"The Russian and Chinese boots just taste better, I tell you."
"what if our classless stateless society had the right class controlling the state?"
state means centralization of power, and in a classless society what class and who would represent it in this centralization of power?
Permanently Deleted
oh ok so bhreznevites
And Stalinist, Maoists, and other authoritarian Communists.
Usually they also "love" countries like North Korea, China, and for whatever reason (aNtI iMpErIaLiSm), Syria, Russia, and so on.
Red Fascists. They use the same tactics of gas lighting and goal post shifting.
And engaging in bad faith but accusing everyone else of engaging in bad faith.
maoists??? I think you should read anything by mao. he was anything but "authoritarian", he spend most of his time after 1949 taking a sledgehammer to bureaucracy & encouraging communities to be self reliant
And also going around making lunatic declaration, indifferent to the human suffering he was causing.
As I have mentioned to a Trotskyist and an anarchist in this thread, you aren't going to make it far trying to be "One of the Good Communists". You are siding with liberal anticommunists. You have four options: Leave; become a liberal; have the liberals turn on you; or realize that you might have picked the wrong side in this conflict.
Thanks, that was very helpful.
Now, can you explain the 196 reference for me?
Oh that's a can of worms.
Also, I created a community for leftist infighting here:
It's a free and open forum for respectful and good-natured name-calling, debating, and infighting. But dickheads aren't allowed.
What about misinformation? I see a lot of blatant myths being pushed in this thread alongside the more generic accusations (and, rarely, credible ones). I don't think such a thing is useful.
So, people who love North Korea, or defend russia invading Ukraine, people, who stand by even the most autoritarian, anti-democratic, militaristic, imperialistic regimes - just because they call themselves “socialist” or “communist” - are “Tankies”.
Would be good to point out these people you are mentioning are not all the same.
There are people that Are critical of Russia, but don't buy from western propaganda and are being called tankies too.
It is more like, if one dare to question the western narrative = tankie.
but don't buy from western propaganda
i.e. are critical of russia, but stand by even the most autoritarian, anti-democratic, militaristic, imperialistic regimes - just because they call themselves “socialist” or “communist”, except for russias invasion of ukraine
most autoritarian, anti-democratic, militaristic, imperialistic regimes
you meant UK, USA or both?
i was just quoting the other commenter. but dont forget about china, nazi germany, north korea, etc.
How are China or North Korea imperialist? (especially the latter) Please don't talk about Taiwan since it has been a part of China since before the 17th century. Imperialist Japan forcibly seized this territory in 1895. The UN has recognized the One-China Principle which is why Taiwan does not have a seat at the UN. "臺灣民眾統獨立場趨勢分佈", conducted by Taiwan's National Chengchi University, an explicitly anti-CPC source, in 2022, showed the following results with regards to the perspective of Taiwanese citizens on independence and reunification: (Status Quo as Autonomous Part of China and Complete Unification Compiled [part of PRC] : 63.4%) (General Support for Independence Including Status Quo Moving Towards Independence [not part of PRC]: 30.3%) (Non-Response: 6.3%). There is no argument for Taiwan relations being an imperialist endeavor by the mainland.
And anti-democratic? The CPC and various Chinese government posts have the vast (over 90%) support of the populace due to land reform, poverty alleviation, and mass line influence through centralized unions and engagement with representatives. The DPRK also has democratic elements.
Authoritarian? What does this mean? Authority is not something that exists independently from conditions and purpose. In class society, authority is mainly wielded by the dictatorship of certain classes (and what idiot would condemn the authority wielded by the socialists besieged by the capitalists of the whole world?). Authoritarianism is a "left wing" form of the fascist concept of "totalitarianism" meant to equate various forms of class rule under the banner of "authority".
Militaristic? It is incredibly ignorant to talk of the DPRK's militarism given the rapacious imperialistic U.S, occupying the southern half of the country, starving them, and performing expensive mock military drills yearly along the border to provoke conflict—this itself being a remnant of the U.S. invasion and division which claimed the lives of ~3.3 million Koreans (10% of the population of the peninsula) (see Cumings, The Korean War: A Modern History, p. 45-46). Some have the luxury of condemning "militarism" and military mobilization in such dire circumstances because they live in the imperialist center; some do not. Note: China is not overly "militaristic" by any scale.
It takes this long to refute a single sentence of nonsense. Anarchists are so pathetic.
Yeah sure. So lets ban the USA apologists together with all these tankies?
fine by me. fuck the US
I agree.
Do you not notice how you're falling on the side of liberal anticommunists even within this thread? I think by that alone it would be worth seriously considering if you had been misinformed on some of these issues.
idk what u mean by that. im an anarcho-communist. and imo tankies are very anti-communist, even if they dont want to admit that to themselves.
btw seens a paradox that you guys so "pro freedom" are asking for bans of people that you disagree.
it may seem that way, but no. pro-freedom actually means keeping people away who wanna take our freedom. i.e. authoritarians like tankies
isn't that the same logic that the tankies are using though - because they think they have to be authoritarian to the people who they believe are trying to take their freedoms i.e. capitalists?
a community not welcoming assholes =/= a state killing everyone who's in their way. one is authoritarian, the other is not.
what is your taking on Israel killing Palestinians?
That's a genocide, and the western world deny.
yea its very clearly genocide what israel is doing. i recognize that. and its tragic that people in western nations are taught to deny its cruelty.
keeping people away who wanna take our freedom. i.e. authoritarians like tankies
what did they do to take your freedom? built this whole platform we are using right now?
just because they do good things too doesnt make them perfect
I am not arguing they are perfect. It is just extreme to ban those folks altogether.
Neither are we perfect.
"Paradox of tolerance"
what is your taking on Israel killing Palestinians?
That’s a genocide, and the western world deny.
A nazi with red aesthetic
Permanently Deleted
I do, but you don't.
the people who made lemmy lol
Spez and Unidan made reddit and no-one likes them either
Unidan didn't make reddit wtf u talking about
I mean Aaron Swartz
Aaron Swartz? The dead (by suicide) activist and philanthropist software developer and Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz?
Yes that's right, you see, Aaron Swartz was a "free speech absolutist" who allowed for things like /r/creepshots and allowed for cp on early reddit.
That's enlightening indeed. Knowing the both of them are trash does explain many, many things about Reddit.
Yup it sure does.
good point 🤔 but i never liked reddit
It's the prog-lib equivalent of woke. It's used dismiss leftists with out engaging with our arguments. The term has lite ideological or argumentative use.
Libs use it that way, actual leftists use it to describe fascists that think they're on the left and like red flags.
Permanently Deleted
If you're in a position where you can freely oppress the capitalist class then you've already supplanted them and become the capitalist class.
Permanently Deleted
radical solidarity, mutual aid, armed community defense. none of these require the state apparatus.
Without a state to enforce environmental regulations, how do you intend to defend your community from pollution? By attacking the polluters with guns? They have guns, too. Probably more guns than you do, since pollution is so profitable.
Without a state to defend against invasion, what's going to stop some other country from marching in and enslaving you? Small arms won't protect you from a modern military; only a modern military of your own will, and without a state, who will command it?
Without a state to enforce mutual aid, what's going to stop others from withholding it while taking yours? By the expectation that no one will be so greedy as to withhold needed aid? Then your proposed system will fail almost immediately. By some sort of aid credit that groups of people exchange equally in order to ensure that aid given equals aid received? Congratulations, you have invented capitalism.
The state apparatus exists for a reason. It has of course been abused, but we can't simply get rid of it and expect everything to be fine, or else we'd have already gotten rid of it a long time ago.
Do you think the Paris Commune lacked any of these?
There won't be a capitalist class when their assets are seized.
Permanently Deleted
Yes, because lunatics that support dictators just because they have wrapped a red flag around themselves and drop occasional buzzword are totally leftists.