Opinion: Harris’s agenda mirrors the Democratic Socialists of America
Opinion: Harris’s agenda mirrors the Democratic Socialists of America
Opinion: Harris’s agenda mirrors the Democratic Socialists of America
Every vote for Harris is stealing a vote from third-party candidates who represent real change. By sidelining those voices, you’re indirectly helping Trump win!
If you really want to avoid a Trump win, supporting a viable alternative outside the two-party system is the only way to push the conversation forward.
You trying to bully and pressure me is either privilege or sociopathy.
You trying to bully and pressure me is either privilege or sociopathy.
I did neither, in fact I don’t even respond to your comment where you might think I was responding directly to you.
Considering any third party is viable in the system as it exists today, make as much sense as playing Chess using the rules from Candy Land. It’s delusional and detached from reality.
It’s an unfortunate mathematical truth and no amount of wishing it otherwise will change that. That’s why for any non-primary election, it must be treated as harm reduction above all.
How election math works: a vote for Harris is taking a vote away from a third party candidate and is giving it to Trump.
I’ll leave this here in hopes you’ll watch it. There is no way for what you’re hoping to actually succeed in the current environment. The only way out is through and the only way through is voting as harm reduction.
1, voting is not harm reduction, and 2, that video has given you a false conclusion. the lesson we should learn is that strategic voting leads to party consolidation, and the only way to keep third parties is to continue to vote for them.
harm reduction is a specific thing. voting is not harm reduction.
Unless you care about truth in which case it absolutely is harm reduction
harm reduction has a specific definition. voting is not harm reduction.
Not really interested in your pedantry that probably isn't even technically correct (not that it matters)
I'm voting third party. I don't care what you think. Thank you!
Hasn't changed who I am voting for. Thank you!
So what are your guys's weekend plans?
Some light shitposting?
Not sure what you mean? Guys? Who is it you are talking to?
We don't need to give you reasons who we're talking to.
In the fifty days (Congrats!) since this account was created, it's made three thousand nine hundred and eleven submissions to Lemmy.
That's one every eighteen minutes and twenty-five seconds twenty-four hours a day seven days a week!
This poster gets SOOO close to making an observation that would utterly destroy its half-baked, IMO inauthentic reasoning, if it'd only take a closer look at what it's saying. So, I'll close the gap here.
Suppose we could wave our magic wand and get everyone to agree with this poster, getting everyone who is voting Kamala Harris today to vote for ... Rachele Fruit. But the price of this vote is that everyone who WAS voting Rachele Fruit now has to vote Kamala Harris. Suddenly, it's Harris who is spoiling the vote for Fruit...and Jill Stein remains as much as spoiler for Fruit in this magic universe as she is for Harris in this real one. That's the problem with third parties. No matter how the votes line up, whether it be for the Social Workers Party in this parallel universe or the Democrats in this one, votes for Third Parties merely harm your political ideology by taking away votes from the major party on your side of the political aisle and empower the major party most opposite of your ideology. You'd have to go to another parallel where we made Ranked Choice voting work before you could risk a SWP vote in a Rep-Dem world or a Dem vote in a Rep-SWP world.
SOOOO close, yet so far away.
I don't care. I am happily voting third-party. Even if you don't like it. Thank you! :)
Goddamn, Mods, you finally remove something this poster says? Are you starting to see the light in regards to this...person?
Mods have always removed my comments if they think I have broken the rules.
I get no favoritism from the mods, nor have I ever I asked for it.
Buuuuutttt you should probably check what comment was removed before ya celebrate too much. I don't think it's quite the "gotcha" you were hoping for. :)
Now this is a load of utter, complete, unmitigated bullshit. The mods are almost 100% behind this poster, no matter how much it claims it's not being showed favouritism. Sure, it's very careful to veil its personal insults and incivility, but coming in and blathering over and over and over and over again about how it's gonna do what it wants here, not just without a care about what the community here wants, but directly flaunting the fact that the community doesn't want any of this bullshit, expressesd as downvotes and a variety of debunking and disparaging comments is most definitely uncivil and should be removed by the mods under Rule 3. But it's allowed to spew its bullshit without any criticism by the mods, while we even hint as to what we think this poster is, and the Mods shut us down hard? If that's not Mods showing favouritism, I don't know what the fuck is.
The mods have never shown me favoritism. In fact, as you pointed out, some of my comments were removed recently. I have no idea what you are going on about.