How do you destroy the notion that Democrats are the good guys? Americans seem like a lost cause on that regard
How do you destroy the notion that Democrats are the good guys? Americans seem like a lost cause on that regard
How do you destroy the notion that Democrats are the good guys? Americans seem like a lost cause on that regard
That first post shows a bit of an odd conflict of Russia not being quite happy about nearby countries having defenses too. Which is fair to be worried about, armies can be dangerous.
But it is not a normal response to start an invasion over that.
Alright, next train, next post!
Well, it's a messy situation. And a rather different perspective. It would appear though that the "nazi's" they're denazifying from aren't quite the usual ones either. It is a bit odd how Russia is being presented as a victim and unbeatable powerhouse here. It makes me wonder why they didn't just offer those living in Ukraine a better life in Russia?
it's a normal response to use your military to defend people who were historically part your country, speak your language, and who requested your military assistance to defend themselves and their right to self-determination under international law after 8 years of attempted ethnic cleansing by white supremacist paramilitary gangs that enthusiastically participated in the Holocaust. it's particularly normal to do that when said Nazi collaborators begin rapidly massing troops on your border and declaring their intent to acquire nuclear weapons and join a military bloc created specifically to colonize your country.
"starting an invasion" isn't something Russia just did out of nowhere for no reason. it's something they did as a last resort to protect their own continued existence as an independent country after they tried for 8 years to deescalate the situation diplomatically. the Ukrainian comprador regime's imperial investors repeatedly said in private that they had no intention of allowing peaceful coexistence, that they were deliberately taking advantage of Russia's attempts at diplomacy to buy time to build up foreign investment to attack Russia directly, and that they engineered the overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected government to use it as a staging ground for this purpose.
when someone openly promises for a century that they're going to murder you and steal your house, then they murder your neighbor, take your neighbor's house, rent it to a swastika tattooed Hitler enthusiast, and fill it with piles of weapons on the condition that the Nazi squatter uses them to murder you, it's not crazy, aggressive, or disproportionate to cross your neighbor's property line to disarm and evict the Nazi before they can murder you. Russia's historical willingness to do this is the primary reason there are any Jewish people left alive in Europe today.
Also, wasn't Zelensky Jewish? Hence why I figured those must be different nazi's or something.
Using the military can be a good thing, but I have to disagree that murder is a good solution. Offering people a way out right next door would've been better than shooting at their homes. There may be assholes out there, but they're still just people living their lives doing their own thing. Most probably don't want to deal with the political mess out there.
Also, wasn’t Zelensky Jewish? Hence why I figured those must be different nazi’s or something.
The US is a white supremacist settler colony founded on genocide and slavery, but it also had a black president once. The latter doesn’t negate the former. Zelensky is a comprador figurehead. His role is to go on TV and say what the US tells him to say. He doesn’t need to personally like Hitler in order to work alongside people who do toward a shared goal. He doesn’t actually have decision-making power in Ukraine, as evidenced by the time he tried to accept Russia’s peace terms a few weeks into the military operation only to be overruled by Boris Johnson. If you’re asking why Banderites in the Ukrainian military would tolerate a Jewish person as a nominal figurehead: they don’t particularly like it, but they’re playing along because he’s a means to an end. He’s helped legitimize their acts of terror, formally integrated them into the government, and enabled them to access unlimited foreign funding and weaponry to pursue their goal of ethnically “purifying” Ukraine. It’s also fairly clear that Zelensky’s at considerable risk of being assassinated by Banderites if/when he ever stops being useful to them. They openly assassinated the Ukrainian negotiator that was involved in peace talks with Russia after the UK intervened, then declared it illegal to negotiate any peace with Russia. Regrettably for Zelensky, keeping the war going indefinitely is also likely his only way of prolonging his own life at this point. The guns pointed at his back are a much greater threat to him personally than the guns pointed at his front.
Using the military can be a good thing, but I have to disagree that murder is a good solution.
I hate to be the one to have to tell you what the purpose of a military is… War is always a tragedy, which is why Russia has done everything in their power to avoid it for the better part of a decade while NATO made it increasingly clear that they were preparing for an attack. It’s why Russia’s objectives for this operation have always been to secure the Russian people of the Donbas from targeted ethnic violence, to ensure Ukraine’s neutrality and independence, and to disarm and remove the NATO-sponsored Banderite regime that overthrew the democratically elected Ukrainian government, outlawed political opposition, and ended democratic elections. Russia’s goal is peaceful coexistence with a democratic and independent Ukraine, which is why they’ve consistently offered peace terms that would enable that. Russia resorted to military action to secure that goal only after exhausting every other possible option to secure it diplomatically.
Offering people a way out right next door would’ve been better than shooting at their homes. There may be assholes out there, but they’re still just people living their lives doing their own thing. Most probably don’t want to deal with the political mess out there.
Russia is trying to offer the people of the Donbas a way out by physically securing them from state violence. They did this after years of taking in refugees fleeing Banderite violence. Russia is trying to offer the people of Ukraine a way out by negotiating a peace contingent on the removal of the foreign weapons triggering the conflict, disempowering the Nazis most directly responsible for the inciting violence, and restoring independence and democratic elections to Ukraine.
I was expecting you to be up to date with recent events at least.
Did you seriously just come here to play dumb, make a bunch of people explain recent history to you, then drop a bunch of cryptic bullshit like “lol, haven’t you even watched CNN, bro?” after refusing to read or engage with any of it?
No, I was hoping to learn. I did learn quite a bit, just not what I expected. Several people in this thread had quite a lot to say though. Which was great, and a bit tedious at times.
The way I like to follow the news is by finding sources. Because with a lot of modern journalists you never know if they're talking out of their ass or not.