Phoronix: Linus Torvalds Comments On The Russian Linux Maintainers Being Delisted
Phoronix: Linus Torvalds Comments On The Russian Linux Maintainers Being Delisted
Phoronix: Linus Torvalds Comments On The Russian Linux Maintainers Being Delisted
Yes. I am saying that the Russian people who were maintaining anything in the Linux kernel commits have a very real threat of not only being compromised to do ill, but also have their identity on the commit chain being taken over by state actors.
What in the hell are you arguing for here?
lmao what a load of crap.
But anyways thanks for contradicting yourself.
If I'm saying this, and the founders and mainters of the Linux Kernel agree, it really seems like I'm not wrong here.
Might be time reevaluate some stuff.
If I'm saying this, and the founders and mainters of the Linux Kernel agree, it really seems like I'm not wrong here.
Believe or not both you and Linus Torvalds can be wrong. Shocking, I know. I don't know how you'll break the news to your loved ones.
Might be time reevaluate some stuff.
Yes, like you contradicting your entire previous comment and then continuing on like nothing happened.
Linus is just following the law, the law != doing the right thing.
There's a law for Open Source projects with no country governance? Holy shit. News to me.
Lmfao, what law is being followed here? Come on.
What? He is doing what the lawyers is saying to do, the quote:
"No, but I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not going to go into the details that I - and other maintainers - were told by lawyers.
He is following the sanctions.
He is being pretty vague there. It could be any number of things in the orbit of anti-russia pressuring. That could include the feds pressuring legally, but it could also be many other less direct things or even a personal political decision.
They are being cagey.
That's true. I'm more inclined of the idea that he is just trying to avoid conflict to focus on the development.
That's a common idea that I see in this type of people.
Is that type of person, "asshole"? That seems to be the entirety of Linus' personality, such as it is.
I'll not confirm or deny.
Maybe he's trying to avoid conflict with US government, but he clearly is not trying to avoid conflict with that statement.