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Anyone interested in starting a cooperative business helping ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ European companies and organizations migrate away from โ›“๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’ฅ cloud platforms from USA?

Tad Lispy (

Boosting my own toot ๐Ÿคž

  • I'd love to help but don't think my expertise is there, I specialise in Quality Assurance in software development.

    Great initiative, best of luck!

    • I don't know. To start a co-op business we will certainly need diverse skills. At this stage we are just talking, so please stay in the loop if you want to.

      • I don't have mastodon (and no real interest in using it), any way to stay in the loop?

        • Good question. IDK. I guess the public discussion is happening in parallel on Mastodon and here in this thread. Once we get the thing going we will think about some channels to communicate.

        • I think masto servers get RSS feeds for free. You may be able to follow some users or tags like that