No Man's Sky 5.0 Update: Worlds, Part 1
No Man's Sky 5.0 Update: Worlds, Part 1
No Man's Sky WORLDS transforms the universe, bringing huge leaps in water and cloud quality, as well as increased planetary variety, new gameplay features, and more!
Worlds Part I represents the first component of the Worlds Update, with even more to come later in the summer. For full details please see
- Total overhaul of water and cloud rendering, as well as other significant quality improvements and optimisations.
- Boosted planetary variety with new biomes, new creatures, colour and lighting changes, and much more.
- New gameplay features, including Solar ship crafting, aquatic landings, discovery renaming, new hostile creatures and more.
- Expedition 14: Liquidators is a unique, action-packed experience with a raft of exclusive rewards.
Hello Games has been hard at work to improve and expand No Man's Sky. We hope you enjoy. :)
Thank you so much,
Hello Games