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Trump rushed off stage after gun shots targeting him Live updates: The latest on the 2024 campaign | CNN Politics

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Live updates: The latest on the 2024 campaign | CNN Politics

Secret Service agents rushed former President Donald Trump off the stage after he fell to the ground at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Loud bangs were heard before Trump fell. Agents then helped him stand, and he had blood on his face. He was yelling back to the crowd and raised his fist. He was then taken to a vehicle and evacuated from the scene.

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  • Trump after a shooting in Iowa that left one sixth-grader dead and six other staffers and students injured,

    "So surprising to see it here. But, we have to get over it. We have to move forward..."

    • how were the secret service not on the roofs or monitoring the roofs from aerial POV? Most obvious spot for a sniper.

    • the dude interviewed by British journalist right after that says him and group saw man with gun climbing roof, told cops and secret service and neither did anything

    • his first and only focus was his shoes?

    • a man who is a documented coward and narcissist pushed against secret service to face cameras and have his head exposed for a long period of time?

    • secret service ignores protocol to cover and remove him and let's him vamp and pose

    • straight lines of blood on his face, history with pro wrestling

    • yes, the supposed gunman was killed, but on what day are there not thousands of trump cultists lined up and ready to die if someone tells them they are on a secret mission to help daddy?

    • yes, some in crowd may have been injured, but when has trump shown any hesitation to have pale injured or killed for his personal benefit (January 6th, church protests, etc).

    • his secret service were proven corrupt and involved in cover up measures for trump before (e.g. Deliberately erasing text messages relevant to January 6th)

    • this all happens as project 2025 narrative was taking form hold, leaked video/audio by the day and days before the RNC.

    • watch the footage, down the stairs, secret service is concerned with grabbing and carrying his special red hat? How the fuck would that ever be a concern in an actual emergency?

    • His shoe obsession because they have yuge lifts in them propping up his strong man image.

      The red hat thing because yes, his USSS detail is swimming in maga 24/7 so of course they grab the hat.

      And they are all radioed up and heard the call out that the shooter was down, thus it was ok to move him.

      It's far fetched to call it a false flag op. And gives the buffoons way to much credit.

      It's just fascists being fascists

    • This is the dumbest shit and we need to fucking grow up a bit. These "questions" are asinine and not that hard to explain.

      1. Not denying the incident was reported, but there's a heavy insinuation here that this was set up or manufactured. If so... They needed an entire Secret Service detail, local event police and everyone standing by to be in on it. A couple hundred people are going to be involved and no one leaks it?

      2. "Supposed" gunman. I like how you pivot from "this is probably set up" to "ok even if it was real Trump is capable of worse"

      3. Again, the insinuation of an inside job here. We're going to involve a hundred or more people and no one thought it would be a problem to kill a bystander? Or the gunman was so good he killed a specific plant? And they had a 100% success rate... No one heard the plan and thought "oh this is a bad idea" and spoke out about it?

      4. Big difference between deleting text messages and MURDERING AN AMERICAN to further a political agenda.

      5. Yes. Things happen all the time. Trump people are saying this is to distract from Biden being inept. There's always a convenient time.

      6. Yes you dumbshit he was concerned about his hat because they already had the all clear. The shooter got taken out in seconds. They wouldn't have moved Trump. And they all were saying it was all clear. Also have you ever seen people in an absolute panic? Not the most rational state. Same thing with his shoes. That's ALSO why he took the photo op. They all dove on top of him. They figured out the shooter's location and took him down before Trump even got up.

      There's pictures of the fucking bullet in flight. So either that was ALSO manufactured (a member of the press willingly heard the plan ahead of time and doctored a photo or they actually shot a bullet inches away from Trumps head AND captured it). But no let's just get Trump, a bumbly ass fuck to orchestrate this perfectly. I'm sure he had it a planned to go down, and everyone covered him and he pulled out a razor blade, cut his ear, and put it away, all perfectly executed and no one caught anything on camera from any of the dozens of angles.

      This shit is so fucking stupid and I'm so sick of hearing about it. These points all rely on the most ass backwards way of thinking where dozens of people are in on this conspiracy and relies on all of them bring cool with killing someone to make it good for Trump.

      Get this shit outta here. This doesn't deserve the pixels on the screen used to illuminate this nonsense. Be a fucking grown up. We're going to have to figure out a real way to beat Trump, not pretend this was some false flag bullshit. Accept reality. Be a goddamn adult.

      I'm not even saying you're wrong for questioning, but I am saying you are wrong because the sheer volume of things that would need to occur for this theory to be even remotely possible is so ridiculous, I would consider aliens an equally plausible situation.

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