Goofy stuff like this gives the neighborhood some character
Goofy stuff like this gives the neighborhood some character
Goofy stuff like this gives the neighborhood some character
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She's fighting with the city over this? What city had rules for how you can decorate your property? I can see a draconian HOA having an issue with this, but I was under the impression the city never cares unless there's a code violation.
Depending on the city they can be every bit as petty. Especially small towns that want to appear higher class than they are.
And the trashier a town is the more likely it is to have weird ordinances from back when they were trying to keep the trash out that they selectively enforce now.
Source: I came from a trashy small town.
My hometown has city ordinance over fences. They have a max height and need to not block the view of the houses too much. It's in place to keep the welcoming feel of the town iirc. So yeah depending on the place the city could be getting involved directly
I'd fight that. Surely there's a fourth amendment argument there (e.g. I need it to be high enough that police looking over it would constitute an illegal search).
My city limits fence heights, but the limit is 1.8m. a cop would need to be pretty tall to see over
Anyway, if you want more height you could grow a hedge. Also if you don't like the setback rules, a hedge can regain all the lost front yard
We have a fair few hedges.
I happen to be 1.9m or so, so a 1.8m fence wouldn't do much to prevent me from looking over since that's right about my eye level. So I'd opt for the hedge.
iirc one american city tried to jail a dude because he "wouldn't" (couldn't as he was old af and broke) mow his lawn.
I dont think he went to jail but it was taken to court