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After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go? After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go?

After a shocking electoral upset the public is growing increasingly weary of his tenure – and of his Liberal party

After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go?

A Canadian prime minister who has outstayed his welcome, persistent inflation, a government bumped and bruised by scandal and a fired-up opposition leader itching for a public showdown.

It was against this backdrop, four decades ago, that Pierre Trudeau took his apocryphal “walk in the snow” and decided not to contest the next federal election.

After a shocking upset in a “safe” electoral district and with a looming possibility of a blowout in the next federal election, Justin Trudeau’s predicament closely mirrors that of his father.

But the incumbent prime minister says he has no intention of stepping down, despite mounting evidence the public is growing increasingly weary of both his tenure – and of his Liberal party.

In late June, Trudeau’s party lost a by-election for a seat the party had held for nearly three decades, foreshadowing what pundits say could portend the collapse of the party’s stronghold in Canada’s most populous city.


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  • I'm Indigenous and I live in northern Ontario .... and I fully support our current government for what it is and most of the people I talk to around me feel the same.

    It's only a very loud minority of self serving conservatives with a huge bone to pick and an oversized chip on their shoulder that talk non-stop about how terrible this government is. I see stickers on trucks, ads on the internet, ads on tv, ads in paper, constant bombardment from everywhere in public ads saying how bad the government is .... while most of the people I talk to have no real ill feelings against the government and only a handful of hateful, spiteful, angry conservatives who go around saying how terrible our country is and blaming it on one single person for no real reason.

    Honestly, the only message I hear from conservatives is that they hate Justin Trudeau ... some knowledgeable ones and those with a decent vocabulary can describe to me why they hate Trudeau .... the rest just keep telling me we are living in a communist dictatorship and they demand their freedom back.

    I agree that this isn't a perfect government ... they could be doing so much more but as they are now, they are doing fine.

    It's the conservatives I fear the most because if they achieve power, we will regress this country back to fighting between minorities/marginalized people/people of colour/indigenous and a vocal moral minority of conservatives that think they own the country.

    This isn't a political campaign for any kind of ideology ... its just another hate campaign designed to make one group fight another because of????? just because they want to be hateful and fight ... then after the fight is over, they'll continue fighting with everyone and blaming problems on those they deem less than themselves.

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